Well, it's not like there's very many minor/supporting roles in porn. If someone appears on camera in porn, they are almost certainly by definition the star of that particular scene.
Well, it's not like there's very many minor/supporting roles in porn. If someone appears on camera in porn, they are almost certainly by definition the star of that particular scene.
It was pure posturing. Of the two, only Reed has actually been in a Broadway production, where he's played ensemble/background parts, so it's a stretch to call him a star.
Seeing that screencap is weird after just finishing a whole season of young Nucky flashbacks.
Andre in group therapy was the standout piece, but the M'Lady joke has completely worn thin. They need to let that one go. Taco needs to be written with care in order to work, and tonight was a shining example of how not to write Taco. It did not work in the slightest.
I see essentially three clusters of strong alliances that will have to coalesce at the merge:
I wouldn't rule out Jon arriving at the same conclusion five minutes after talking to him, but the editors needed to make it seem like there was a chance he was going to fall for the ruse, so any such footage would have never been shown. You can do a lot with selective cutting to make it seem like someone is much…
I can forgive Dale's use of slaughter since the phrase "on the chopping block" has been universally and unanimously co-opted by reality television contestants to signify the peril of no longer being a reality television contestant. He might as well have indicated that his participation on the show was not motivated…
It would be interesting to see everyone's versions of the rules. My #1 would probably be something like: If someone asks if you are a god comes to you offering to work together you always say yes, even if you don't plan to follow through.
When Jeff was walking away, all I could think of was that scene from The Jerk. "I don't need you! I don't need anything! Except this tarp. And this hammer. That's all I need. The tarp, the hammer, and this hammock. That's it. And this flint. This tarp, this hammer, the hammock, and the flint. And this…
Hey, toilet paper is hard to come by in this game.
Booo! I just declared myself team Kelley last week, and now this. I was sure hoping it was Baylor's night to leave, and I wouldn't have minded if Dale went, but Kelley?! Nooooo. Bad Survivor. No cookie.
FYI, Jaclyn was born with MRKH syndrome and has no uterus.
They started out buying the DVDs, until one day an online merchant scammed them. Never again they said. From now on we torrent everything.
That settles it. I'm on team Kelley for the rest of this ride. Smart and adorable.
Let's not forget that Tony was this close to being sent home by Woo at the end, and by all reasonable measures he should not have made it to that final. So add "partnering with a once in a lifetime pea-brain that will throw away a guaranteed win to take you" as another of Tony's magical luck/skill qualities.
His reaction at tribal really threw cold water on any ideas of him going very far in this game. He's been entertaining, but yeeesh.
I was so upset at Jaclyn. Why, why, why would you plant doubt in the mind of the person you're trying to blindside who has an idol? It was the stupidest tribal performance I've seen in a long time. It's only sheer luck that Rocker decided not to use the idol. He certainly had every indication that his alliance…
No matter how long Survivor airs, there will never be another goat as perfect as Woo. He is the Micheal Jordan of goats. We shall never see such fine goatsmanship again in our lives. These new goats vying for the title may have some great qualities (an absolute lack of will, the ability to be easily convinced into…
When they arrived at the reward challenge, my thought process was something along the lines of okay, John, if you're a real Survivor fan you will just sit there silently and take whatever Jeremy dishes out, because trying to explain what you did to try to help Val only puts you in a much worse place with your teammates…
Yes, they are. You can stop when they go to Ireland, whatever season that is.