H reached out to her in private, she decided to broadcast his request, Rami is not in the wrong here.
H reached out to her in private, she decided to broadcast his request, Rami is not in the wrong here.
how it was handled.
I was just a little bummed at how it was handled.
I still have a problem with this being called a “cut.” Usually a re-cur is a re-edit of existing footage that wasn’t used along with alternate edits of stuff that was used. You can still create a movie that’s completely different in tone or intent that way.
I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again; Zac Snyder really is a snotty, passive-aggressive little wanker.
This is why he originally got fired. This here.
His comments at the !SDCC panel shitting on Whedon's version were childish.
Does his dismissal of Saturday morning cartoons include Batman, Batman Beyond, Justice League (+Unlimited), and The Brave and the Bold?
Jesus, he’s such a fucking child. I have no love for Scott Mendelson; that guy’s an ignorant tool, but I’m betting Mendelson pretty much nailed what we’re getting. Anyone expecting this to be a completely different film from the original is lying to themselves. Claiming this movie’s going to be so much better is like…
You’re replying to someone who basically said that all critics are engaged in a conspiracy to pretend people liked a very popular movie. Maybe look at your own behaviour first.
It’s because it was great. Despite all the Star Wars fans who clearly just had an emotional reaction to being slightly challenged and are desperately trying to invent an objective reason for it.
Indeed. The people who hate TLJ seem to think they represent majority opinion for some reason. Presumably because they all hang out together?
Contrarian as opposed to who? The Last Jedi had a 91% RT rating.
Except it wasn’t a mess from start to finish. It has issues, but it’s a good film overall.
He’s kind of like the Richard Sherman of the NFL in his wavering between smart, thoughtful, outspoken guy and complete asshole.
Draymond Green’s a dick-and-balls-kicking asshole but he’s also right a lot of the time. For every can’t miss prospect like LeBron or KD or Zion, there’s a dozen guys every year who have the potential to have long, productive careers in the NBA and never get it because they don’t land in a situation that’ll help them…
It’s always heartening to see the Cardinals lose, but to see them lose like this? Just goes to show there’s still some good in the world.
You can acknowledge, rightly, that listing it as a line-item instead of just integrating it into the food prices is a nasty way for restaurant owners to turn their customers against their own employees.
Francesa, whether in his fictitious character or as himself, declaring that as “the dumbest fuckin’ bet I’ve ever heard of” pretty much guarantees that bet is going to hit.