
Man, Microsoft sure purchased a lot of headaches here.

Because the game is still running on Unreal Engine with modern lighting and other modern graphical features. Yes, the models and textures are dated, but modern lighting is very demanding

People have almost unfettered access to developers via social media (to the point of absurdity in my opinion), that really the only reason to have an E3 is just to say we had an E3.

I haven’t really followed this whole saga outside of a few articles here and there, but from what I gather, the trailers they released appear to, if we give them the benefit of the doubt, been aspirational for what they hoped the game could maybe be one day, rather than, you know, what a trailer actually should be,

A sociopathic capitalist?

How would you get to the moon lol?

Yeah that is a dumb argument cause there are TONS of games where you shoot Americans. Payday series, that one Far Cry in middle cult America, Grand Theft Auto... it goes on and on. If anything the only real idea the author makes that is correct is we continue to portray every terrorist as Arab.

Shhh! That doesn’t fit the author’s narrative/personal bias.

“Popularity is closer to net worth than any other actual metric imo.”

Is the Smurfgully franchise really “some of the most popular films in history”? It’s not even the most popular franchise named “Avatar”. Sure, the films made a lot of money, but they’re high-tech spectacle from one of the most famous directors alive, so of course they would. Does anybody actually care about the lore

Paying for online access + hardware/games always need to be online = no thank you

PCMR > *

In what way..? He didn’t say anything about framerate.

I’m sorry a PC owner stole your boy and/or girl. That must have been really painful. Luckily you have your console to cuddle at night.

Honestly it doesn’t require any form of impairment for something to go wrong in an 812. Modern traction control and electronic nannies have made us all numb to the performance and dangers of driving a car like this. The F12 Berlinetta was already said to be “too powerful” by even professional automotive journalists,

Jesus Christ, the stupid fucking trailer drops tomorrow, it’ll release and get near-universal 10/10s, people need to chill on this damn game. 

Call me jaded, but I think there’s something exceptionally fucking lame about hyping a trailer release date rather than, you know, just posting the trailer and letting the excitement for their product go off the charts as it should.

Come on, now. When I say “smaller streamer,” you really think I mean someone with that small of an audience? I just find it weird that Kotaku seems to have such a fixation with this woman. That’s all. I meant no offense, surely.

Because you clicked on this article and would have scrolled past the nobody.

How many Amouranth articles have you guys written at this point? Pretty sure the “Queen of Twitch” doesn’t need the extra exposure. Why not write some stuff about smaller streamers who could benefit instead?

Another day, another rich person with more money than a rational person could ever spend doing as much as possible to avoid having to contribute to society financially. How is this video games news?