
Remember, the popularity of AI for corporations is all leading to this. They want to replace all creative human labor with AI. Don’t take their word for “not going to replace labor”, they’re very much lying, AI is far too convenient for them to actually take an ethical stance.

Isn’t this what Deadspin does now for most of their content? I mean, some articles have no byline, but I just kind of assume most of the others are fake too.

I can’t even play Mario Wonder outside of my house unless I tether my Switch to my phone so it can do that “checking to see whether you’re allowed to play the game or not” bullshit.

This also means the maximum you can discount a single transaction online is $34. That’s one $15 coupon, one $10 coupon, one $5 coupon, and one $1 coupon. Lol. Lmao even.

That happened to me as well. After reading this I felt like a weirdo because I thought L4D was a much better game than L4D2. If it wasn’t for this article I’d be none the wiser that L4D was a broken mess. 

the release of L4D2 really did spell the end of my group playing. Partly due to not liking the changes, partly because not everyone would/could buy the new one... It was really unfortunate.

How about we just make it so pharmaceutical companies just can’t advertise to consumers?

They’re saving that for the DLC... Spider-Man 2: Podcast Editor

The brand deal fell through at the last moment. Kotaku Corporate will authorize an edit when they have a new product to advertise to you.

I can’t wait until the day law enforcement finds him inside his locked home dead of autoerotic asphyxiation, the CP still playing on a loop as the pale light of his laptop washes over his bloated lifeless face.

A series with 2 entries and 3 remasters

Can we all just pick a platform to move to and be done with the dead bird?

I usually enjoy your work, Danny, but this post does a massive disservice to the brewing industry. It reads like you talked to one bar owner who wanted to prop himself up by denigrating others, Googled some “facts” and submitted this.

People are overworked and underpaid, so avoid anything that takes extra effort to do an unpleasant task that can mostly be quietly ignored. Because the great underpaid and overworked American workforce, which has the same warm loyal feelings to their employers that they know their employers have for them, will ignore

Not surprising, so many companies just threaten to lay off employees or even shut down locations at the very prospect of unionization, more so if it even seems minutely successful.

I’m just checking to see if I can still leave a comment. When I see posts that are an hour old without any comments, I start to worry that the colossal pile of shit Spanfucker has begun needlessly destroyed yet another site I enjoy visiting.
RIP Jezebel, Splinter, good Deadspin.

Boo hoo. Las Vegas exists exactly because of nonsense like this, designed to extract money from tourists. Everyone that lives there IS THERE because of that fact and knows it. It’s not a city, it’s a venue. Locals whining about it is hypocritical. Tourists whining about it (and their non-F1 related vacations being

When David Foxx reached out to Jalopnik, he was on his 10th day of a 19-day vacation

The firm KSK Construction Group specializes in condo and hotel development in Williamsburg, along with projects elsewhere in the city. The New York Times reported federal investigators are looking into the company’s links to the Turkish government as part of an ongoing inquiry into the mayor’s campaign

Ma’am, it literally does something.