
Meh its not nearly as bad as last time.

In an interview with CBS46 in Atlanta, Flaten claimed that his former manager of the “toxic” work environment was known for harassing his workers, including one former employee who claims the boss once pantsed him in front of their colleagues.

$42 for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3? Nintendo can fuck right off with that one, not to mention basically all the others.

Here’s what Amazon charges everyone for using their servers:

You bring up valid points, but they(Amazon) owns all the technology services they provide to twitch.

You’re on Reddit’s side because you’re stupid and don’t actually understand the issue at hand.

lmao you can’t be this dumb

They did not invent Borg you twat

Oh wow the inevitable return back to the OG game we all knew would come eventually. I remember when they were selling us on the new versions of AC as the “future” and then they proceeded to beat the shit out of that future until it was bone dry. And the whole time I’m like man these games are so mediocre, all this is

Psh good riddance, don’t let the door hit ya on the way out!

What disgusts me is how much of a little bitch you are

How does it feel to be such a bitch

Gah your takes have by far been the dumbest out of of everyone else. Do you think you were born this stupid or did you become that way as you got older?

Oddly, for a video game journalist, you don’t seem very familiar with the actual process of game development.


Amazing how a company that’s never even made a good game can get this quality of a license and then proceed to fuck it up as badly as you’d expect from a studio with no good games to its name.

Lea, do you think you were born this dumb or did you become that way once you started writing for AV Club?

idk where i’m at they are not typically all priced the same

I wonder how ideas like this even make it thru R&D at Sony. Its gotta be like a rogue group within Sony that is dead set on getting Sony back in the handheld market, but cannot convince higher ups to budget and build anything substantial so we always end up with these shit half baked concepts.

yall are so dumb christ, just dont buy the damn game