This is probably the most uninformed take I’ve read on this yet... maybe stick with cricket mate
This is probably the most uninformed take I’ve read on this yet... maybe stick with cricket mate
Unfettered capitalism is a double edged sword
damn thats so true
Uh well first off, no crunch doesn’t “happen in any industry” and secondly the crux of the problem is they don’t EVER have the perfect scope of work.
I’m here to confirm this thought because that is exactly how I felt.
I mean you’re just splitting hairs here only furthering his point that it’s bullshit and terribly low.
I admittedly was confused as I’ve always seen Anthem in the vault too. Thanks for confirming that because I did feel like it was slightly misleading in a sense. Never played Anthem, nor do I want to.
Its interesting to me how you didn’t stop yourself halfway through writing this comment to ask, does this sound really dumb?
Came here to say the same, this whole article just has a weird shtick it’s trying to put on both DeBurrito AND Menard. I’m not sure where it came from and it feels like the author has watched a completely different NASCAR than I have lolll
I do particularly enjoy the engine Ubisoft has built, but I agree they handcuff themselves to a basic formula so much they give themselves almost no room for innovation. The engine feels and plays great, but its all extremely predictable.
Damn I was in Versailles a few months ago and did not realize they had an office located there :(
He also has proposed the most aggresive anti-merger bill to stop food giants from controlling the whole farm and food economy
Shame, this was easily my favorite weekly Kotaku column :( Did not realize I’d wake up today and read my last one, nothing gold can stay I suppose...
I don’t know the answer to that question
Just my personal opinion that despite all the negative coverage— I’ve had a fair amount of fun playing this game.
If you’re pro-Pelosi then you’re pro-finance/banks and that is not something I can get behind. She needs needs the boot.
Not to be a jerk and I love your articles, but speaking strictly as a software developer— this article is slightly misguided as well. The controversy is justified and the engine is crap.
That was a very long elaborate way of saying that they’re basically using the same engine they used for Oblivion, FO3, Skyrim, FO4 and FO76.
Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand.