
Aight so now that you’ve established your self-righteousness and you got that out of your system, we can address my point- would it be okay if we called the cops because “your stuff” took a dump on “my stuff”?

lol so should we call the cops because ‘your stuff’ shit in my yard? Should you go to jail because ‘your stuff’ decide to take a dump on my property?

Personally, I find it pretty damn erroneous to start cherry picking cities or states, remove them from the election equation and then pretend like we have some conclusive point of whatever it is someone who would do something like that is trying to prove.

Yay! Thanks Ryan!

I mean Trayon White thinks that Jews control the weather, I’m not sure that’s any different than Trump thinking slavery never existed, but I don’t see you talking about that!

It’s interesting because once I started smoking consistently I became veryyyy talkative. It kinda just clicked for me one day. Now it helps me in social situations and has helped me in social situations even when I haven’t smoked.

This is the exact thing we would criticize President Cheeto for, but okay.

brutal taked0wn

And of course resident Gizmodo dingleberry writer Ryan Mandelbaum is silent when someone calls out his BS click bait title.

tdlr: dont

Not arguing to say you’re wrong, but those are pretty substantive claims you’re making. Do you have facts to backup your claims?


tldr: company that gets to decide my financial-trust-worthiness, shouldn’t be trusted with my financial information.

Yeah this isn’t as interesting as you all are making it out to be.

Bought an original vinyl print of this album last year. One of the best ever.

I’m saying it’s a scam in the sense that the only risks we need to assess are letting these companies handle our data, trusting them to provide fair/accurate risk assessment themselves and not for the benefit of creditors, what regulations do they have(any?).

Exactly, and good to hear you didn’t run into any troubles.

All the local media hates it, but all the fans seem to like it. Seems to be a pretty divisive uniform. I like it!

amen, its a huge fucking scam.

Eh I’ve paid a day or two late many times and never contacted the company and/or never showed up on my report either. I think it’s generally a non-issue.