
idk if this is the hill you wannna die on man

Well you’re mistaken if you think these people aren’t rife throughout the whole country.

Two thumbs up for Tarkov. It’s like PUBG, but a little better.

The price is not wildly different

Ah the old, we’ll just protest by not voting, move. Classic!

It’s not as if I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make, but still you are officially now that guy on the forum who just doesn’t get it.

I especially love it when users post really stupid shit on Kinja and then I scroll down to see if that user actually replies once people call that user out on their stupid comment.

I say just let em do it. I’m so tired of having to explain to people why this sucks and we can’t vote for people who would approve this. Yet here we are... so fuck it, let em burn the whole thing down. At least the blood isn’t on my hands.

right back at ya bruh

Your comment made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Good billionaires do exist. Just not as many of them it seems.

I think it’s safe to say Universities will sweep anyone under the rug regardless of race if it’s going to affect the University. They don’t give af.

god dammit

solid insight right there

Can I feel confident that this would’ve been done differently under a normal administration or is this just par for the course, but we’re outraged because Trump? The waters have been muddied so much it’s hard to tell.

Okay I appreciate the reply, hope I didn’t come off as too snarky lol—

I admittedly miss the MGS’s of yore. Not saying I didn’t find ways to appreciate MGSV, but if I didn’t smoke a fat bleezy before playing I got kinda bored.

It’s a dick move to use your personal money for whatever you want?

Thanks for saying exactly what I’m thinking, but in a much more organized well written manner.

Oklahoma is in a much worse state than even Wyoming. At least yall still have 5 day school weeks. We can’t even afford a 5th day, god forbid we tax Oil companies at the same rate we tax our citizens. Then we could afford to give teachers real salaries.