
Why would they have us play both Trinidad and Tobago at the same time? No wonder we lost... smh

Okay I’m sorry, but this isn’t “racist” in any way.

Michael, my advice is to go use your masters degree and stop wasting your time writing such terrible articles.

Masters of International Economics?

Mmm not all health exams are treated equal. I’ve seen nice high traffic restaurants be nit picked for the smallest things, but I’ve seen struggling lower class restaurants get away with quite a bit. And all from the same health department.

Cam was not a very smart brotha I guess.

mmm I’m confident mental illness is still a fitting description of Paddock. I get everything you’re trying to say, but doesn’t really change the reality of it. When you have a desire to murder a bunch of people, well that is a mental illness.

I’ve not played GTA Online just out of principal. I know it’s probably super tight, but I think it’s also incredibly lame how they only did GTA Online stuff.

So do we blame white people for this or can we finally blame the black guy? Just curious where the burden of responsibility falls on this one.

Oooo this is a great take on it- Surely the PUBG guy can figure out a way to be more valuable than the Zynga trainwreck.

Hey I got no problem w/ them doing that and I agree it’s incredible how many people have gotten into PUBG(including myself).

Nothing makes me happier than watching Republicans announce that they’re done with the NFL. It’s like Christmas in September for me.

I’m not exactly a LoL player, but doesn’t that game have multiple game modes to engage in? Also they do a plethora of other things to accompany LoL that would warrant a multi-billion dollar valuation of their studio.

Well Minecraft did have single player and multiplayer offerings along with toys, etc before it was that big of a company. That’s probably nitpicking small differences, but for the sake of making sure my original point is still correct I’m standing by it :) lol

Agreed, don’t care what anyone says. A studio w/a single game that has a single game mode is not worth 4 billion. At some point PUBG user base will drop and hopefully at that point we’ll see a more realistic number.

You do realize you can still get viruses while having a “proper” AV installed right?

As an IT guy, it is definitely your fault your computer got a virus. Know how many times my computer has had a virus? Zero.

Dude I’ve tried explaining this exact stuff to other fellow white folk and I have just had no luck getting it through to them.

Notice how you don’t have any stars for this comment

yay good people do exist!