

Gawwwdddd I cannot wait until a more finished version of this game comes out. It's seriously gonna be awesome.

Yeah I don't mean to be so harsh because I am sure you are absolutely correct on how the keep the audio team very small in numbers. It was honestly just more of an attack on the company as a whole and how they short change such an important thing like that ya know. I know these audio guys are talented, but there is no

That's funny because I always picked 2k over EA in hockey up until a few years ago. I used to loveeee that game. Not saying the EA version was ever bad in fact it was great too, but it surely isn't as far apart as you make it seem. A lot of people would beg to differ.

Again, I'm not trying to be a prick. But the audio teams for NCAA and Madden are seriously some of the least innovative audio teams in the whole industry. They continue to claim things like these are so revolutionary and we're taking this huge step for audio in bringing real crowd chants into games, but come on this

I'm really not even trying to be a prick, but these EA audio guys are some of the lamest/least innovative in the whole industry. They act like adding these sorts of things are like WOAH HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT, but it is as simple as being there and hitting a fcking record button. The sound design in Madden/NCAA, NHL,

Yeah if you never ever played 2k12 then you would need a LOT of time. I'm not even a huge player of the game and it took about 1 quarter to have it down.

Yeah dude @Owen Good is always writing some pretty lame stuff. I'm surprised that they continue to let him do his thing here. He never seems to understand anything, to the point where I feel as if I could type out better stories than he could just by purely making stuff up. It would probably be more interesting.

there is a multiplayer franchise. duh

congrats dude, thats cool you found something to do that you enjoy. keep it up okay!

This should be published some where that is like important or something. Bravo bravo.