Mike Royko's basilisk

I really don’t understand why the press isn’t properly trolling and baiting him, as he’ll fall for the hook every single time. Why not ask a question like “do you think there were a significant amount of African-Americans among the millions you claimed voted illegally in the past election?”, then sit back and watch

I’ve heard drunk guys* slurring to an annoyed woman at a bar make more sense, indeed a more compelling argument than this.

Excellent point. At least brown people from Central and Southern America won’t be affected by any of Trump’s policies. Truly the left is overreacting as there is no clear pattern of behavior that would suggest this administration is vilifying the Other.

what the fuck did i just read? am i having a fucking stroke?

this Statue of Liberty poem is not nearly as good as the original one

“Welcome to America. Now get the fuck out, brown people with different rituals.

We’re just going to assume you’re all dangerous without any real proof.
Just saves time.”

Victim: Help! I was raped by a police offic-
Republican: No you weren’t.

clearly this Nolan knows nothing about working out I am a Crossfitter and I am very strong perhaps he should give Crossfit a try if he thinks he knows what it takes

That’s the south America for the last two hundred years since its inception.

Just an angry, scared little man with a gun.

A pig pooped on a bear’s balls? That just seems reckless.

I come to this website for SPORTS only... what is the score of the game? That’s all I want to know...

Don’t forget pigs pooping on their balls, too

I love reading comments like this, and being reminded that the left is the group that needs to get out of its bubble, or that whining college kids shouldn’t ask for safe spaces.

Sorry, someone has different ideas than you, Tony. I understand that it is very difficult for your widdle feewings when that happens.

Because you can hire children and ignore safety.

“Burn it all down ‘cuz I hate a guy!”

“I don’t play golf and I don’t have a mistress.”

I mean is he trying to bribe or reporters or sell them a time share

I can forgive boasting about sexual assault, I can forgive selling out America to its long-time enemy, I can forgive alienating your closest neighbor, I can forgive lying to get elected and setting up your cronies, but I cannot forgive well done steaks.

Mike Allen, because-of-fucking-course it’s Mike Allen. Everyone in that picture needs to be put on a media blacklist shot out of a cannon into the white-hot sun.