
Is it this guy's parking lot?

@matsayz: The only people that stay in uniform downrange are the douchebags, unless you are stuck in some god awful COP out in the middle of nowhere, and you don't have the manning for personal time.

@kitkatklub123: The graphic said the life support pack was 100 pounds on Earth, and the suit itself 70 pounds on Earth.

Apple keeps talking about the one million mark in x number of months... I think it's the same one million people buying every new Apple product...

That was a terrible graphic...

I've had good success with Vmware Server 2.0. Runs fine on a desktop, I currently have two Win7 and one Ubuntu VM running on top of 64 bit 7.

@ZZZYZZZ: I carried all my gadgets on deployments. They make MOLLE pouches just for safely carrying your stuff. I always had my phone and mp3 player on me.

Agreed. I worked at Photronics in Boise ID, who makes the reticles for the photo lithography process on NAND and other chips. It would be the power blip on the multi million dollar tools that is going to cause the setback. Air filtration would probably be barely affected, but the tools used at least to make the

@superfluousK: I was going to say, was this the Crane family perhaps?

I have Sprint and have had 4G service here in Boise, ID since the Evo started selling. They advertise 3-6Mbps, but I see higher than 6 at times when I run the speedtest.net app. I've seen as high as seven and a half, which is damn near what my cable modem runs at (10Mbps). With Sprint's all you can consume data

Files backed up in three redundant seperate locations, ghost image taken of each PC after fresh OS build. If my desktop broke, and I had to order something to fix it, I would use my XPS desktop replacement laptop, and if that broke whilst waiting for the part to fix the desktop, I would use one of three ECPCs set up

@cruzer555: Nope, if you pay the stamp, you can own a full auto. Your state may override the fed law, but here in Idaho, it's 200 bucks to register, but you can have a 240B as long as you register it. And you pretty much give the BATFE license to raid your house whenever they feel like it...

@friendlynerd: How was I supposed to know you were lactose intolerant!?!?!?!

@wheelis: That's why I keep this handy...

@Kommandant45: Well played good sir... I was thinking along those lines looking at that picture...

@cruzer555: Au Contraire... In some states, one can own an automatic weapon, one just needs to pay the 200 dollar Federal Tax Stamp and have it registered with the BATFE