@ddmeightball: I have built many Antec based systems, including a twelve hundy, and have never had any issues... Currently rocking a P180 for a gaming rig. Quiet, cool, and plenty o room
@ddmeightball: I have built many Antec based systems, including a twelve hundy, and have never had any issues... Currently rocking a P180 for a gaming rig. Quiet, cool, and plenty o room
@diasdiem: Type of chicks that would double up on a dude like me do...
@nuclearbalm: Ialways wanted to do that man, and if I had a million dollars, I believe I could hook that up...
@seriously, saycarramrod: Any other time, I'd step in there and show you how to swing...
@Paprikash: Hmmm... Bully!
@Rex555: I totally see your point and agree partially with you. I never cared for any of the journalists embedded with my unit, as they all seemed to have their own agenda and the "fair and objective" part of being a journalist seemed foreign to them.
@gthing: Well, the main ingredient in beer IS water after all... ipso facto, drinking beer = drinking water...
@KBlack: As one of the guys that destroyed their infrastructure and invaded their country, I saw first hand how grateful they were that we were there. Rebuilding their country efficiently notwithstanding, we have killed a lot fewer iraqis than Saddam did. (Hence my US-centric view, but I'd beg to differ on the…
@Matthew Kidd: As a matter of fact, we were. Were you there during the invasion? What unit did you roll with? Because most of the people I saw were pretty grateful after we schwacked all the bad guys that were opressing them.
@Matthew Kidd: I never killed for fun, raped or abused more than my quota assigned personally by George Bush.
Let's get a pixel diagram of all the Iraqis killed by Saddam and the Baathists before he was taken down... Guarantee it would be a much higher body count, and look like an orange screen. Just the Kurds alone would be bigger losses...
I wonder how much they are saving getting rid of thier BBES system
@Powerlurker: Gotcha. I did a back seat ride in an F-16D back in the day and got 9G for about 25 seconds and thought my eyes were going to plop out of my anus...
@Powerlurker: Care to back that up with documentation? Everywhere I see on the web, including NASA says 3, but it can be sustained for 15 minutes. 11G for 15 minutes would likely kill the astronauts.
@\m/ chaosphere \m/: Women don't fart because they never shut up long enough to build pressure.
@Crrash: Love the Weeds!!!
@I_Like_TDs: That whole island is still jacked from the Peral Harbor attack. My barracks at Schofield had bullet holes in it from when they flew over Kole Kole pass enroute to Wheeler and on to Pearl. One of my buddies rooms had a .50 cal hole in the wall, and a little plaque with the date and caliber. Like it was…
@goodwood8: Why not have an argument against stupidity rather than an argument against guns?
@Kaiser 'Dawn of the Banned' Machead v.2.3: I fink we should drip dry 'em guvnor...
@Kaiser 'Dawn of the Banned' Machead v.2.3: Do you know what 'nemesis' means?