
I have a particular soft spot for Mythic Quest. 

As much as I love Home Movies, I actually think Metalocalypse is Brendon Small’s magnum opus (and tied with Venture Bros. as the best original programming Adult Swim has ever aired).

I know it’s a hard sell because not everyone listens to metal (heck, I knew zero about metal before watching the show), but I think a lot

So how many movies need to have a depressed box office until “give the WGA and SAG-AFTRA 100% of what they were asking for at the beginning of the strike” would have actually made them more money?

That was my first thought.  How many unique listeners has it had vs. MAGA chuds playing it on a loop 24/7?

And due to the writer’s strike, no late night talk shows to shill on.

As someone pointed out on Twitter last month, the AMPTP underestimated the strikers because they assume that writers and actors will return to the table once they realize their “cushy lifestyles” are in jeopardy.

If the employers don’t feel a strike it would be kinda pointless.

“Democrat party” is the tell that there’s a bad faith argument coming.

Friendly reminder to all that reflexively blaming the Democrats for literally not being perfect is something a GOP consultant came up with.

Its being enforced right now. 

There is no more creativity to the prompt writer than any other of the millions of people throughout time who stood there saying ‘you know what I should write a book’. Having that desire and a vague idea of the direction doesn’t make them a creator. Nor does an echo chamber for that voice, no matter the technical

You did, when you clicked on this article.

He protests like a “workin’ man” but makes his living on youtube. Sweaty work maybe.

Someone is mocking the idea, but conservative “leadership” has done exactly this with books. Buying up hundreds of thousands of copies in order to make it artificially appear on “best seller” lists.

Are people actually listening to it? Or is this like Sound of Freedom where no one actually wants it, but people can pay to pretend other people want it?

If Republicans are gonna be whiny bitches can they at least make good music? That fucking awful Aaron Lewis song "Am I The Only One" is a similar vain.  At least in the 1950s, right wingers had decent music.

AI guy’s goal was to get the algorithm recognized as a creator, and the courts refused because it wasn’t human. So a better parallel in the monkey case might be for the monkey to be recognized as the creator, which I think was PETA’s original stance. (The Wikipedia position was that there was no copyright.)

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if part of the reasoning for reneging on the planned second seasons is to attempt to sway public opinion. “We really want to provide you with the shows you love, honestly, but these unreasonable writers and actors are making it impossible with their ridiculous demands. Blame them, not

bc there are several examples of movies that were aimed at 5 year olds that could be enjoyed by adults. its possible to do both. why settle for mediocrity?