
Every woman gets a billion dollars the day she’s born. Gender, am I right?

Do you really think there are no women among your “working class people of various backgrounds?” Do you honestly think none of them would like some recognition?

The word “phobia” actually refers to strong irrational fear and/or aversion. You can have a phobia without necessarily being afraid. “Irrational” is the most important word there.

Zaslav: Today’s young people are entitled and lazy!

The right wing was mobilized to hate the first Captain Marvel and it made a billion dollars. Before that they mobilized against Black Panther and it made even more. Then they mobilized against Barbie and it’s STILL making money.

I still contend that the biggest fuckup with this movie was simply its name. Captain Marvel was a billion-dollar hit. People loved it. Seems obvious that you’d call the sequel Captain Marvel 2 or something similar. “The Marvels” is just an aggressively generic name that the casual fan could take to mean almost

There were people I talked to at the time who were utterly convinced that this was a revolutionary, permanent change, and no actor would ever get work again. They were saying this even after the movie bombed, using the same “but the tech will get better!” excuse that AI bros use now.

WB seems to be embarrassed that it’s a movie studio at all. Zazlav seems determined to strip-mine this company until the only thing it produces is seasons of Deadliest Catch.

“All movies are superhero movies!” is an incredibly stale take whether it’s meant as hyperbole or not. Especially in a year when the most popular films have had nothing to do with superheroes and most hero movies have been expensive flops.

Four out of five dentists agree. The fifth dentist is currently getting the shit kicked out of him in a hallway by Daredevil. That’s what happens when you don’t agree.

TV: This week’s episode: Dalek.

Inside Trout: Riley Goes Fishing

And Herman’s Head was just a ripoff of the 1943 Disney animated short Reason and Emotion, so we’re just coming full circle here.

BBC released a prose story a few years ago (written by Paul Cornell, who also wrote the original episode) in which the 13th Doctor visits Sister-Of-Mine and decides to release her from her imprisonment. It’s implied that Sister encountered versions of the Doctor hundreds of times while trapped in the mirror, which

I love how direct they were about it, too. The Doctor straight up telling Donna when they first reunite that he doesn’t want any more romantic entanglements, he just wants “a proper mate.”

In my book, that two-parter is the second best modern Who story ever, just very slightly behind Heaven Sent.

Blink is a vastly overrated episode. It’s not bad, but people act like it’s the best Who story ever when it barely features the Doctor and goes out of its way to explain that the monsters of the week aren’t really that scary, and then tries really hard to make you scared of them.

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And then the snake eats its own tail, because the concept for Herman’s Head was inspired by...a Disney cartoon.

And, as usual, you focus all your efforts on shredding moderates

The thing about Link is that he should speak as little as possible. What experience does Thomas Brodie-Sangster have playing a character who solves problems with lots of different tools and items but who hardly ever says anything?