
It took you six days to come up with that? Wow.

Clearly, New York must hate football and baseball, that’s why they have two teams for each sport.

Ohhh, I hate Joe Biden so much now that I know he watches movies!

AI is totally the future of storytelling, you guys.

You can use a computer to hack things, too. You’d better turn yourself in to the cops for owning one.

You know you’re effectively using the gun lobby’s argument, right?

Almost everyone under 30 knows what a Flipper is, my dude. Just because you’re late to the party doesn’t mean Gizmodo is dEsTrOyInG iNfRaStRaCtUrE by reporting on a product that’s been available for over three years.

A guy who’s totally not obsessed with trans people wrote this.

Flippers don’t guns. Only guns kill flippers.

The funny thing is that most people who use the Flipper for hacking use it to hack devices THEY ALREADY OWN. But it seems even having control over something that you paid for is considered an outrageous crime by our corporate masters, and by folks like you whose highest ambition in life is to get as much of the boot

Well, Reed and Tony have the world’s only time machine in this universe, and they seem committed to giving the world more heroes, so...

I’m pretty sure the whole point of setting the comic in an alternate universe is so they don’t need to do status quo-preserving stunts like that. And that sort of cheap tragedy isn’t really Hickman’s style anyway.

Locarno in particular looks quite a bit older than Mariner, yet he seemed to be the same age as the other cadets in The First Duty. I think he was the equivalent of a senior then, perhaps Mariner was a freshman (which explains how she had time to become besties with Sito, who was held back a year.) But that’s still

If you play Maybe I’m Amazed backwards, you’ll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup!

Yeah, the Nazis were pretty famous for their love of free speech and for never doing anything bad to books.

UPDATE: Majors confesses to being the Zodiac Killer.

What games would you nominate for that title?

You know what, maybe every movie should be a reboot. Just one movie that everyone agrees to keep making over and over, forever. But to make things fair, the movie will be randomly selected from all movies ever made.

The Mandalorian is easily the most popular Star Wars entry to come along since Disney bought the property and the Skywalker presence in that show amounts to a single two minute deepfake cameo.