[Studio CEO voice] You moviegoers are so demanding! “I want movies that are good,” “I want movies that don’t star violent kidnappers,” “I don’t want the writers to be homeless.” You’re just not being realistic!
[Studio CEO voice] You moviegoers are so demanding! “I want movies that are good,” “I want movies that don’t star violent kidnappers,” “I don’t want the writers to be homeless.” You’re just not being realistic!
I dont think anyone seriously thought that THIS was going to be the movie that turned around the fortunes of the DCEU, did they?
The irony is, given how expensive it probably was to bring Clooney in, someone at WB absolutely thought that a Clooney cameo would positively impact the movie’s box office.
There is no way they couldn’t have just cast Grant Gustin in this. He knows how to make Barry Allen quirky but likable, and it would have been the perfect capper to his years playing the character. Miller just made Barry annoying.
It seems like too small a change to make a difference. Both endings have the same problem: they trivialize the whole plot of the movie. We’re told throughout the film that Barry has to let his mom die because there’s no telling what horrible butterfly effect consequences could spring out of him changing the future. At…
When you install the game it automatically calls your boss and tells him you quit. This feature cannot be turned off.
1990 guy: Wow, crazy. But I’m sure nothing can top the massive box office frenzy I saw last year, when Michael Keaton played Batman. I mean, that was an unprecedented cultural event.
There’s no money in this anymore.
which was all accepted into the Library of Congress.
Rian made the first movie’s setup more interesting by actually injecting some new ideas into it. Whereas the two Abrams-directed films just insist on force-feeding you the same plot points you already sat through in the original trilogy, with no variance other than “the death star is even bigger now” and more CGI.
Gina can’t hunt herself, come on.
All of those movies are still better than Rise of Skywalker.
Oh no, you guys. This Star Wars show expects the viewer to like Star Wars. Terrible.
Clone Wars is some of the best Star Wars media ever made, and at its peak is better than most of the movies. And I don’t just mean the bad movies. Rebels is not far behind. And if you just don’t have the time to watch those, there are about a hundred explainer articles online to get you up to speed, including on this…
(Randy Newman singing voice) You’ve got a friend in me. You’ve literally got a friend in me. Now here’s your other friend, and I think we agree. I’m about to have two friends in me!
Other snubs: Gravity Falls, My Name is Earl, Tuca and Bertie, and Central Park. But a solid list overall.
I would have moved the Venture Brothers into the top ten, as its rapid-fire, self-referential style of comedy, along with its evolving storylines and gags that built up over the course of whole seasons, makes it a precursor to classics like Bojack, Archer, and Rick and Morty, and every bit as good as those shows at…
Independence Day is just pure, ridiculous fun. Twister is good, but ultimately a bit forgettable. Mission Impossible 1 is honestly one of the most disappointing movies I’ve ever seen, and to this day I can’t stand the franchise because of the bad taste that first movie left in my mouth. So here is an entirely…
Pretty sure that anyone trying the single-pixel trick is just gonna find themselves back in court and the result will be a judge stripping the “wholly” part from the ruling so now AI is even harder to copyright.
They can’t make good music, or good comedy, or good movies. That’s why they have to sell all the stuff they make by pandering to culture war morons.