
Once again, I love how the entire AI shill argument has devolved to just “THIS IS HAPPENING NO MATTER WHAT, YOU CAN’T STOP IT, IT’S INEVITABLE” which makes AI sound less like an innovation and more like a malignant tumor.

Good to see reviews branching out more and covering some of the more esoteric animated stuff on Netflix. Too bad this particular show turned out this way.

Really stretching the definition of “stars” here, aren’t they?

Just because Superman is a rookie hero in the movie doesn’t mean Lois has to be a rookie reporter.

I thought it was refreshing that they figured it out so fast. It makes sense that the average citizen isn’t going to figure out that Superman is Clark Kent (because none of them have even heard of Clark Kent) but Clark’s two best friends? Who are around him all the time, and who are both investigative reporters? And

There’s this thing called consent, and it has nothing to do with these imaginary “neo-luddites” who are so often fretted about by people who don’t understand what the word luddite means.

Bud Light and M&M’s and Mr. Potato Head and Aunt Jemima and Disney and Colin Kapernik and Costa Coffee and the Barbie Movie and Every Single Book Ever Written About LGBT People and I could go on for HOURS.

Name another tool that can’t exist without stealing the work of thousands of other people.

I dunno, if I was going to be base and emotional, I’d massively overreact to an artist getting criticism to the point that I’d call it something like “perpeturating the hate” or “mob mentality.” You know, something cartoonishly overdramatic like that.

Okay, so you don’t understand carpentry OR art.

this insistence that every aspect of imagery being used needs to be broken down and disclosed is going to get an even bigger backlash than it already is.

Really? Should they disclose what software they are using?

I love how the argument of every AI shill has gone from “this will be good” to “this is happening no matter what, shut up and stop resisting.”


Yellow - Giuseppe

Too early to tell if TMNT will be a hit, as it has actually made more money each day it’s been out thanks to very strong word of mouth. This summer we’ve seen multiple animated films with strong staying power due to the same reason (like Spiderverse and even Elemental) so Turtles has a good shot of enjoying that same

And it’s so impressive the way he took an almost completely silent character who could barely move, then reinvented him as a highly verbal, expressive man on Better Call Saul, without either version ever feeling contradictory.


Unlikely since GI Joe and Transformers are owned by a different toy company than Barbie.

Commissioner Gordon: Batman! The Joker is robbing the fireworks factory!