
I can’t help but think that Across the Spider-Verse kneecapped both these movies. The amazing stylistic flourishes of the Spider-Verse movies really make Pixar’s house style feel a bit too bland and safe; it seems like every other studio is branching out with different styles (look at the painted style of the upcoming

I still remember two months ago when right wing media was furious because Across the Spider-Verse featured a trans flag in one scene, and the main character proudly sports a Black Lives Matter pin in another scene.

Sneak preview of season 7's premiere:

This dude really wrote six angry paragraphs about Reddit drama and ended it by calling other people “keyboard warriors.”

I, too, base all my opinions on what strangers from the internet think.

How much does it suck for Miles that the media thinks of him as “Spider-Man #2?”

“I’m going to take Han Solo and put him in a new situation that the original creators never thought of” is a very different proposition than “I’m going to copy someone’s story line-by-line and then pretend that counts as writing.”

Isn’t it the case that every writer has “trained their model” off of the hard work of the authors that came before them?

A kid is a human being who is capable of imagination, self-reflection, and growth. Her first fanfic might be a carbon copy of someone else’s. Her third might be something completely new. Eventually she might graduate to writing her own novels. Novels that wouldn’t exist if she hadn’t written that first fanfic you were

Just wanna point out, Prime’s fantastic show A League of Their Own cost a fraction of what Citadel did, got higher ratings, and Amazon cancelled it anyway because their dudebro execs didn’t like how many gay characters it had. Fuck Amazon.

In the 50's and 60's the franchise seemed to hinge on the belief that the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to Superman was someone finding out his secret identity. Sometimes Lex Luthor would pop in and threaten to blow up the world but this was treated as a secondary concern.

Going by the press releases and teasers we’ve been seeing, the whole cusp of this show is that Lois and Jimmy are the main characters, and we’re seeing Superman’s adventures from their point of view (hence the title.) That’s not old ground at all; the last Superman production to even put Lois on equal footing with

The show was originally announced as a Max original before Zazlav took over and began shitcanning everything animated.

Somewhere J. Jonah Jameson throws a coffee mug at the wall.

guarantee financial success where the likes of Lightyear and Turning Red could not.

On the other hand, Evangelical Christians will be thrilled to see a movie where the main couple will instantly die if they attempt to have pre-maritial sex.

Now playing

Going by the trailers, this basically is the next Batman movie.

Yeah, but then Black Adam flopped so now they’re trying the complete opposite approach.

Wow, if one little pronoun makes you this furious, you’re going to age about 20 years by the time Pride Month is over.

It proves nothing of the sort. The exact starting point of Pixar’s quality decline is debatable, but Lasseter didn’t leave until 2018, at which point Pixar had already served up duds like Cars 2, Brave, The Good Dinosaur, and Monsters University, and work had already begun on Lightyear.