
The ads being there makes the whole thing subscription thing just insulting. “Yeah, we have a userbase of half a billion people who we bombard with ads constantly but we’ve decided we still don’t have enough money. Pity donation plz.”

Everything about Hogwarts as a school feels contrived to manufacture drama rather than actually provide an education (we have a stupid points system to provide cheap tension over which house gets a trophy! We have a sport designed so the main character can win it automatically by doing one thing! We have a tournament w

I mean shoot, with that logic you can’t drive a VW because of it’s german origins

I’m thinking the reason Eri is able to exist inside the Gundam instead of having it kill her is because she was interfacing with it while she was still a little kid. She’s only around 3 or 4 years old in the prologue episode, her brain is still developing, so it’s possible that connecting with the Gundam was a

Spider-Man and X-Men were already popular franchises before they had movies. They didn’t sell themselves on the Marvel brand, they were sold because non-comic readers already knew and loved the characters; Spidey from decades of pop culture appearances and the X-Men from their very popular 90's cartoon show. No one

I feel like you’ve put a lot of effort into inventing a very specific fictional nerd to get mad at.

That makes no sense. If safe nostalgia-driven spectacle made them a billion dollars then they’re not going to change up that formula just because it’s a different IP.

That’s not how Nintendo operates though. A new main series Mario game is done when it’s done, and they greenlight one when there’s a good enough idea for one. That’s it. Aside from the unwritten rule that each generation of hardware gets at least one Super Mario game, Nintendo lets the Mario team do their thing. Part

Half the movie consists of references to games that came out four or five console generations ago. It’s definitely for middle-aged nerds.

If you’re gonna use a screencap from the plumbing commercial for an article about this movie making money, how could you NOT use this one?

Nah, Mario is one of the biggest media franchises of all time. It would have been a hit no matter who voiced the title character.

The budget makes sense. It’s a hugely popular brand among nerds with a decades-long legacy, which has had trouble with film adaptations but all it needs to become a franchise is one big hit.

Yeah, but of all the movies you mentioned, only Sonic is any good. I think the point is that video games are hard to adapt into movies and we’re probably going to see a tidal wave of them now, regardless of whether or not they fit the medium.

now its for a younger generation. Get over it.

The Mario movie is a nonstop conga line of references to video games that came out decades ago. It brings back the “Mario is from Brooklyn” origin which hasn’t been canon since 1995 but which is known to everyone who grew up watching the 1989 Mario cartoon series. At one point they do the DK Rap for no reason.

The Mario movie is a nonstop conga line of references to video games that came out decades ago. It brings back the “Mario is from Brooklyn” origin which hasn’t been canon since 1995 but which is popular among anyone who grew up watching the 1989 Mario cartoon series. At one point they do the DK Rap for no reason.

“If a good movie is successful, people will make bad movies.”

Man, I remember when Shikamaru and Rock Lee were like the most popular characters in this franchise. A lot’s changed since 2000's kids were watching pre-Shippuden Naruto on weekday afternoon Toonami.

Nah, it happened pretty close to the end. We’re meant to think he’s an alien for like 80% of the story.

It’s extra pointless because all the Potter movies are available on HBO Max right now. “Hey kids, coming soon: the story of Harry Potter!” That’s not coming soon, it’s already here. You can watch it right now if you want. This is not just pointless, it’s redundant.