
I love how you labeled YOUR OWN POST as a “thoughtful analysis.”

In the biggest non-surprise of all time, the self-important do-nothing centrist crumbles the moment they encounter a response that asks them to back up a single claim.

Most of the decent content on Hulu is owned by Disney anyway, so I imagine the Mouse is thinking they could get rid of the service, pulling all the shows they own (which would include every Hulu original and almost everything from Fox, FX, and ABC, among others) and put all that stuff on Disney Plus (which is where

Episode before the series finale: Anakin discovers a time machine.

It’s kind of weird how the very first thing Yoda says to kids is, “Had a vision, I have. Mmmmm, enjoy life while you can, you must. Around for much longer, you will not be.” Then he sings a song about shapes.

The last major Harry Potter game, Wizards Unite, lost its publisher millions and was eventually shut down due to lack of players. The last Harry Potter spinoff movie flopped so hard that the studio cancelled the two sequels they were working on.

I believe this, actually. Those both sound like traits that Rowling would give to her heroic characters.

The guy who wrote the game and served as lead designer for most of its production is named Troy Leavitt. He is a known neo-nazi youtuber. Big surprise that he wrote a story where Jewish analogue characters are the bad guys and need to be put in their place.

LOL. The reviews on this mess have become one of the biggest jokes on the internet.

“Snape kills Dumbledore” has the same sort of ring to it, really. The difference was that people actually knew who Snape and Dumbledore were.

This appears to be one of those YMMV situations as the game overall has been getting pretty good reviews.

A fun exercise is to ask them to name a specific quote

Here’s an author that wrote a great, strong gay character

Actual game developers have already weighed in on this

Wow, is JK that desperate for money these days? 

getting violent because that would end badly, so what did you mean? Fired from my job? Social ostracization? Reeducation?

I don’t care how you feel

I don’t give a shit about trans people because I don’t give a shit about people period.

All this talk and it still just boils down to the oldest excuse in the book: “Maybe if this minority group had shut up and never stood up for themselves, people wouldn’t hate them.” Victim blaming is so damn lazy. Do better.

Zoothreepia: There Are Fish Here Now