
There are a few examples in animation here and there. Disney has a couple that I think are just bananas.

Yep, although this is an unusual case because Phil Morris, his replacement, had already been kinda voicing the main character in every episode. Since the show was stop-motion and done on a tight schedule, the voice tracks had to be recorded before animation was done so they could get the lip syncs right; this didn’t

Sounds like the developers were just too lazy to implement consequences for the players’ actions which fit the setting. Instead they have a designer give one of the cheapest responses I’ve ever seen about “role-playing” as though the entire point of role playing wasn’t that your choices have consequences.

The person who said that has never played a role playing game in their life.

There are tons of franchises with good-to-decent people in charge of them. The problem is that “creator of TV show is actually a pretty nice person” is not an interesting news story, so anytime you hear something about the character of a creative person, it’s negative.

It’s been five years since Roiland had a writing credit on the show (his last episode was “Morty’s Mindblowers” from season 3) so I don’t think he was contributing to the creative side of things all that much anymore, aside from ad-libbing dialogue.

“Aw geez, Rick, this cancel culture stuff sure is out of control these days, huh? It’s getting so you can’t even beat and imprison a woman anymore. Like you used to, you used to uh, you know you used to be able to hit on 13 year old girls on the internet and no one made a big deal about it. And these days? Everyone

Sony doesn’t have the legal right to prevent Spidey from appearing on other platforms, but I think they recognize that people connect him with the Playstation to an extent, so they made financial offers to the publishers of various Marvel games to keep that brand association going. Looks like only Square-Enix took the

They put all the effort into him one would expect from a character who 2/3rds of the playerbase can’t even use.

This list sounds like someone made it up, especially given that Winter Soldier and Black Panther have been in the game for months, and Hulkbuster isn’t a character at all (it’s a special armor for Iron Man, which he can already use in the game.)

There were three Marvel movies this year and together they made $2.5 billion. The lowest-grossing of the bunch still ended up with the 8th biggest box office of the year.

Man, the Scooby animators really just weren’t feeling it that day, huh?

If they don’t even have to be Disney movies, then let’s just go ham. The best Disney movie of all time is Goodfellas. Remember the scene where Joe Pesci walks into a room thinking he’s about to become a made man, and instead a dude just shoots him dead as payback for something he did in the first act that he’d

Then again, the last panel of this issue might explain why they gave him so much freedom and power. Thanks to him almost constantly wearing his helmet, we don’t actually know how long Xavier has had that red diamond.

The whole resurrection thing is a great example of that. Superheroes come back to life so often that past a certain point you start to wonder “why don’t heroes look at all the different ways they’ve been brought back and figure out a reliable method of bringing back the dead?”* But I never thought any comic publisher

I get where you’re coming from but real talk, if Marvel had been smart enough to rename this series “The Uncanny Sex/Death Cult” it would have made a billion dollars.

“My work is done here” said Hastings after cancelling every Netflix show that wasn’t Big Mouth or Stranger Things. “Now I’m off to find new frontiers to cancel. Legend says that somewhere out there, they’re working on the greatest TV show of all time. A program of such unbelievable quality that grown men will weep at

“How could you trust a guy who chose to name himself ‘Sinister?’”

Even without all the twists, this was such a great issue because it gives us an insight into how Charles Xavier sees the world. He’s fully aware that he’s incredibly dangerous, which is why he pursues intense self-control, and that in turn is what makes him such a control freak.