
Last time I was in France (mind you, this was pre-pandemic) there were ads all over the subway for Disneyland Paris (famously Disney’s least commercially successful park) advertising big cuts to their admission price. Something like 50% off, I think. The ad showed Scrooge McDuck taking the nephews to the park,

She “allowed” queer fanfiction? She “was cool with” PoC headcanoning characters as not being white? Oh wow, what a wise and benevolent ruler she is, kindly allowing the queers and the minorities to have the right to free expression. Never mind that fanfiction by its very nature is unauthorized so whether or not the

I did not pick up that subtext while playing Animal Crossing but okay.

It’s SNL’s job to do satire, and satire that’s too chickenshit to tell things like they are has no value. “Both sides” comedy is the most spineless form of humor there is, which is why it rarely works.

Man, you sound angry as hell. Are you still coping with the realization that your hero Elon is an emotionally fragile manchild who threw away $44 billion on an unprofitable bird app just because some tweets hurt his feelings?

You’re saying Elon spent $44 billion just to annoy some strangers on the internet?

NETWORK TV ERA : We’ll make 24 episodes of each show per year, every year. Continuing plotlines are forbidden and the main character MUST be either a doctor or a cop.

Now playing

Basically, Democrats noticed that Republicans seem to be terrified of Joe Biden despite the fact that he’s pretty much just a doddering old politician with some good policy goals and a flair for grandpa insults.

The irony is that Eisner lost his job largely because he really wanted to be a Theme Park Guy and it turned out he sucked at it. Now we’re all stuck with Disney’s California Adventure until the end of time.

I can understand disliking a show but you are unreasonably mad about this, my dude. Did Chibnall come to your house and seduce your wife or something.

“Disney’s consumer base hates cartoons” is certainly a take.

Disney has released two theatrical animated films so far this year, and one of them (The Bob’s Burgers Movie) was rated PG-13 and marketed at adults.

If he wanted to only speak for Disney, he should have said “Disney.” Instead he specifically called out animated films entirely.

But Chapek didn’t say “Disney movie,” he said “animated movie.” You know that there are animation studios beside Disney, right? Like, a lot of them.

Yeah, starting last season it got a new co-showrunner (Matt Selman, joining Al Jean who had been running the show by himself for almost 20 years) and a crop of new young writers, many of whom grew up with the show and are fans. I think that’s made a big difference.

You’re commenting on it right now, aren’t you?

You’re commenting on it right now, aren’t you?

Please welcome your new 16th Doctor, Chris Pratt!

15th Doctor was cast before the Disney deal. I think they’re speaking more long-term.

To be fair, I think Legend looked cheap because they were saving money for Power of the Doctor, which had lots of high-budget moments.