
Yeah, but the last time the X-Men WEREN’T convoluted was roughly 40 years ago. At this point it’s almost a part of the brand.

Well said. The black boxes were in my opinion better designs than the early Famicom art because they were an ingenious way for Nintendo to differentiate themselves from Atari. They look dated now, but in 1985 these were actually pretty impressive graphics, so using pixel art made a lot of sense. (That said, switching

And Sam ended up being arguably the real hero of the whole story, remaining loyal and determined even when Frodo faltered. Hell, his *actually* humble background is exactly why he was the only one able to resist the ring’s temptations.

“Stop questioning this wealthy celebrity and consume the corporate product he helped make without complaint!” is TOTALLY what a free thinker would say, my dude.

Buddy, I hate to break this to you but Hollywood movie casting is hardly ever only about what matters “creatively,” especially not in modern animated films. People who actually work in the industry have opened up about this in recent years, how casting in animated films has pretty much been taken over by studio

The reason he worked in the Lego Movie was because Emmet is supposed to be the most generic person in the world. That was the whole point of him, he’s a standard-issue Lego figure in a conformist city who never questions anything until his life is disrupted. He’s SUPPOSED to sound like “just some guy.” Chris Pratt is

Yeah, that’s basically the problem, though, isn’t it? It’s a nothingburger of a performance. Mario’s voice has been instantly recognizable for almost 30 years. Chris Pratt’s Mario just sounds like Chris Pratt making the most minimal possible attempt to sound like Linda from Bob’s Burgers. You couldn’t pick that voice

Why didn’t Jon Stewart talk about how my cat’s breath smells like cat food.

I too am outraged that there is video game news on this video game site.

Well, whose fault is that? Mario has two lines and only has an accent for one of them. If Pratt can’t even give the character an accent consistently then you can’t really blame people for overlooking it.

The fact that the Penguin King got more lines than Mario in a trailer for a Mario movie should tell you a lot about how much confidence the studio has in Pratt’s performance.

There’s just enough Brooklyn in it for Mario to collect porcelain babies.

It had fucking better.

At this point even the Illumination marketing team realizes they fucked up by casting Pratt as Mario. Just look at how 90% of this trailer spotlights Jack Black’s Bowser (who sounds amazing!) and seems to be trying to show us as little Mario dialogue as possible.

You’re overthinking this. There isn’t some organized campaign throughout the internet to hate on a rich millionaire celebrity. People just got tired of him. Overexposure is a very well-documented phenomenon. People enjoy a franchise or star, Hollywood responds by giving us WAY, WAY MORE of the franchise or star than

The Brooklyn thing was an invention of Nintendo of America, and never endorsed by the creators of the actual games, which is why it only showed up in US-produced spinoff media. Also, Yoshi’s Island depicts the brothers being born in the Mushroom Kingdom and that game came out 27 years ago.

For me, it’s the mustache. It’s a bit too small and not bushy enough.

Bowser sounds like Bowser, not Jack Black. Mario sounds like Chris Pratt making a half-assed attempt at an accent which isn’t even consistent throughout all his lines.

Always a good sign when the main actor can’t keep his accent consistent.

You: This article doesn’t even cite any real person.