
There isn’t really a “mainline” continuity anymore. The last time a Gundam TV series took place in the UC was in 1993. Since then every series has been an alternate universe, almost all self-contained, with the UC continuity living in on in OVAs and the occasional movie aimed at more hardcore fans.

Come quick, everyone! There’s a white guy on Youtube!

I found Angel more insufferable than Buffy, honestly. Yes, Buffy could act like a total teenager sometimes, but she was literally a teenager so at least that’s authentic writing. Angel is like 200 years old (and looks like he’s 30) yet he frequently acts less mature than Buffy. In both shows, the lead character is one

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If you ever feel nostalgic for those Toonami-style music videos and promos, this youtube channel has every single piece of original Toonami content that’s been made during the 10 years and counting that the block has been on Adult Swim.

Were you not aware that girls can be sixth graders.

Also, She-Hulk is funny and fast-paced instead of dour and self-important.

The Doyle Estate has been on a lawsuit spree the last few years (they even tried to sue Netflix over their Enola Holmes movie; Netflix won.) It’s because they know Holmes will completely enter the public domain soon so they’re trying to grab as much of that infringement money as they can before the gravy train runs

This is basically George of the Jungle, and you know what? The 1997 live action movie version of that cartoon has actually aged surprisingly well, to the point that it’s something of a cult classic among millenials. So I think you actually nailed how to do Tarzan in the present day, even if someone else thought of the

Yeah, I remember being an edgy 6th grader who thought she had the world figured out, too.

Apparently queer people aren’t allowed to be excited for things because that’s cringey or something.

I, too, am offended that a movie director wants people to go see his movie. I’m pretty sure that’s the first time that has happened.

Nowhere in that statement did they tell you to go buy a ticket.

Just say you want a white guy instead of dancing around it.

Fuck autoplay. All my homies hate autoplay.

You can. Turning it off will affect all devices which use your Netflix account, but you can only do it by logging into the website and going to account settings.

Just because something is more technologically fancy doesn’t automatically make it the future. If it did, then we’d all be playing Kinekt games right now.

Thanks, I hate it.

I just love that the title they decided on for Best Chess Person is something as lofty as “Grandmaster.” The people in charge of the chess world set out with a simple dream: to create a championship title which makes their best players sound like supervillains. And they’ve done it.

Almost every game has a tutorial. But most games don’t have tutorials that last 20 goddamn hours (and can be skipped if you pay money.)

“Onboarding?” They’re not even hiding the fact that they want you to treat this game like a job anymore, huh?