
The whole idea of a first-person Gundam games bugs me. The idea behind first-person is that you’re seeing what your character sees, but the Gundams don’t see anything because they aren’t alive! And if the idea is that you’re playing as the pilot, then he’s inside a cockpit pushing various buttons and manning a control

Plenty of kids’ books have proven themselves to be great literature. Harry Potter just ain’t one of them.

She took Netflix to task for not having diverse LGBT voices, and now they’ve given her a series of specials where she’s going to showcase other young queer comedians. Unlike Chapelle, she’s not just in it for herself, she’s going to launch other comedians’ careers. Netflix caved. She won.

It’s the most an American Twitch streamer has ever had, not the most worldwide.

What Ethan is saying is that having the most viewers (which Cenat does not have) doesn’t pay the bills because the ad revenue from views goes to Amazon. Having the most subscribers (which Cenat does have, at least in the US) does pay the bills because most of that money goes to the individual streamer. Ethan is

Just because you haven’t heard of him doesn’t mean other people haven’t.

Snape was also an unbearable character without any actor in the role. Having to suffer through all his bullshit in the novels was absolutely not worth it (also, the novels themselves weren’t worth it, but that’s another discussion.)

Agreed, I do feel like the show wants to show its cast growing (and they’re developing more than most of the TNG crew did, as much as I love ‘em) but it’s not going to be a constant thing and just because not every episode is about character development, that doesn’t mean the crew is “regressing.”

Also I thought the Mariner/Boimler thing was the B plot and Rutherford’s was the A plot?”

It’s important to bring an airtight case because these guys are rich and connected and are sure to have some of the best lawyers in the country representing them, the type of people who would shred a case that’s anything but completely solid.

I always thought his departure was a bit sketchy, and the whole thing makes the episode awkward to watch today, especially the ending where instead of committing to killing Chef they just randomly turn him into a lazy parody of Darth Vader. Apparently Matt and Trey regretted that last part, since they retconned it and

This thing spent five years in development. :/

If that’s the case then it comes down to the marketing. Every ad I saw for this game made it seem much more serious than past installments, which it turn just made it look like the franchise had gone back to being a GTA clone. If the humor is still there but the marketing team simply chose not to emphasize it, then

Excited for Fox Nation’s dozens of subscribers to suffer through the special out of a sense of obligation, and then convince themselves that the hour of tedium they just endured has somehow resulted in the owning of the libs.

That Dr. Disrespect video is possibly the stupidest video game cutscene I’ve ever seen. It feels like it exists to be made fun of, like one of those short films they put on MST3K which you can’t believe were made without irony.

Honestly this trailer makes them look cooler than they probably really were.

That’s fair. I do think that Kingdom Hearts is one of those franchises that’s very generational. If you were a tween when the first one hit in 2002 then there’s a good chance it was the coolest thing in the world to you, combining all the stuff a 2002 kid might be into: anime! teen drama! video games! Disney

I mean, it’s an article about how Smith got screwed over for doing the right thing. You’d just look like an asshole for snarking at him in this context (not that that hasn’t stopped some AV Club writers in the past.)

Why stop at Universal? At the rate he’s devaluing the company, he’ll soon be able to sell it to anyone who has fifty bucks lying around.

Sora, after hearing all that: So....what’s the purpose of your hat having zippers?