
So, a few things:

Now playing

You’re right, they did it for a different crappy Alien sequel. It’s hard to keep them all straight since they’re all so forgettable.

Now playing

This is like the 900th commercial Rick and Morty have done. It was novel at first but now it’s just tired. Rick and Morty have done ads for Arby’s, Playstation, Pringles, Wendy’s, Death Stranding, Instagram, and the movie Prometheus, among others. It’s gotten so overdone that the joke of the PS5 commercial is just

At birth, all humans are imprinted with the knowledge of which one is Rick and which one is Morty. It’s impossible not to know this. John is clearly an alien shapeshifter. Get him!

Then from season 4 onward it gets worse.

Morb Way Home.

“No, but don’t just pick and choose when you want to be upset.”

Nah, a lot of people took Trump seriously. There were protests asking the show to un-invite him, but they were ignored by NBC.

Thank you for the quote. It does not shock me at all that Rowling’s pathology toward trans people stems from her projecting her childhood issues on them. The woman is so utterly self-absorbed.

Do you think they even have respect for a woman who criticizes the patriarchy and men as a class?”


And a carrot!

I would definitely tune in to see 7 minutes of Pete Davidson apologizing.

Even if they are, so what? The issue was with Rowling’s assumption that autistic people are incapable of making their own decisions. Or have transphobes decided they have neurodivergent people, too?

Absolutely no one is psyched to read this. But a fair number of people are psyched to buy this to own the libs, then put it on a shelf and never even open it.

The Hillary piano sequence felt like they were trying to make up for the fact that they let Trump host the damn show less than a year earlier. And that they led off that episode with a sketch where Trump had been elected President and America had become a utopia as a result.

Schneider went on to say, “Indoctrination derp dee derr! Derp dee doo, da teedity tum! Hillary do derp da do ta derp da do!”

Yeah, it’s a shame that Johnson didn’t have the characters turn directly to the camera and explain all the themes to you.

“Subverting expectations is a pointless and empty exercise if it is not in the service of story, or any larger theme.”

Every actual fan that isn’t a contrarian or, like, 10 knows that it was dogshit.”