
That’s obviously not what they were upset about, but go ahead and stand with team “we should mock anyone who cares about anything” if that’s the incredibly boring hill you want to die on.

Or they could just avoid going to the kind of lazy, third-rate comedians who rely on cheap “LOL I TRIGGER U” humor. Which is why these people went to see John Mulaney instead, because he’s actually too talented to bother with that kind of material.

Except not really because zero people are preventing them from saying whatever they want onstage. Disagreeing with their words is not the same as preventing those words from being spoken. It’s a meaningless cause.

If you’re a trans person, then the problem isn’t that you don’t like the act. The problem is that the act doesn’t like you. And that he’s built his entire brand and routine around that.

Haw haw, look at these dorks, they actually care about their life’s work.

They were just really exciting to promote their Grand Slam Against Japan meal.

You don’t actually think the Duffers are the ones making the toy deals, do you? That’s totally out of their control. It’s down to Netflix’s liscensing department.

Hey Amazon, you want to do She-ra justice? Make it gayer.

Tron, Pirates and Chicken Little were all films released by Walt Disney Pictures and aimed at kids and teenagers. Hell, Pirates was based on a Disneyland ride, so the association with Mickey and the gang was always there. These fit in with the others just fine, even if seeing Fake Johnny Depp next to Goofy is pretty

What happened is that they ran out of ideas somewhere around the midpoint of season 3 and the show’s been running on fumes since then.

Going to the Japanese studios directly is probably going to be how Toonami acquires most of its shows from this point on. At least they’re still on good terms with Viz, so the new Bleach series is very likely to end up on Toonami...unless Netflix outbids them again.

I’m old enough to remember when The Iron Giant first came out and WB gave it virtually no advertising and released it on a super-competitive summer weekend where it was virtually certain to fail, because they had already written off their feature animation department (this was their last fully animated film) and

Shaggy is a character who’s been around for almost 60 years, he has hundreds of great comedy bits to pull from, and yet for his moveset they chose an internet meme that people got tired of over a year ago. Really underscores the cheapness of this whole thing. It feels like they’re not even trying to understand the

WB just seems desperate to be Disney. It’s kind of pathetic. I’m not saying Disney’s overuse of crossovers is much better, but at least they understand that not every single character in their roster should be interacting. They actually curate this stuff.

Disney might have Peter Pan, Simba, and Donald Duck all show up

He is, but he refuses. Instead it’s set in June 2002 in suburban Delaware.

Shouldn’t have fired Rian Johnson. He was one of the few Star Wars creators in the last 10 years who actually had the balls to move things in new directions. We could all be enjoying the first installment of his trilogy by now.

Now playing

My favorite memory of the PS2 LOTR games was the unlockable behind the scenes video of Ian McKellen. In the other interviews, all the other actors talk about how much fun they had playing the game, but in Ian’s, he just awkwardly explains that he does not play or even understand video games. But he’s a total

The Doctor has implied that Susan died in the Time War a number of times during the revived series, though she’s never been mentioned by name. Most recently, during Jodie Whittaker’s first episode she tells her new companions that her entire family is dead.

Hopefully this story will involve the Doctor fixing that problem. And if Tennant is involved, maybe it will retcon in the idea that the Tenth Doctor actually healed Donna before he regenerated and we just never saw it. Not an ideal solution but better than nothing.

The best part is Danny DeVito’s total lack of enthusiasm.