
Yeah okay, but the complaint here is that these shows DON’T have an end. The network killed them before they could have a proper ending. So now they just stop.

Networks have never given a crap if their shows were good or bad, so it’s not that. And ratings for at least some of these shows were consistent with previous years. For instance, Legends of Tomorrow had pretty much the same numbers this year as it did last year, when it got an easy renewal. Nah, the cause here is

Well if they don’t bring them in alive, how are they supposed to buy them free hamburgers?

The irony here is that a live action sitcom about a dysfunctional family would be MORE of a novelty at this point. What animated sitcoms feature a family that ISN’T a giant mess? King of the Hill?

If Musk doesn’t want people thinking he’s bad, he might consider not constantly making an ass of himself.

Just because you have a right to do something fucking stupid and dangerous doesn’t change the fact that it’s fucking stupid and dangerous.

They aren’t 48 new tracks, they’re 48 remastered old tracks. You can get away with that in DLC but not with a new numbered installment.

Oh boy, a film from Disney is going to make tons of money! Finally, a win for the little guy!

No one with peaceful intentions comes to an unarmed protest with a rifle. The rest of your post is irrelevant.

I thought removing fetuses was a crime now.

Oh no, what will Doctor Who do without the insecure white incel demographic.

So, you basically just came here to find a reason to be offended, huh?

Has anyone else noticed how the new Doctor announcements have gotten less hype from BBC as the Doctor has gotten less white and male? Look at how they’ve announced replacement Doctors during the revival series:

He totally will, but they’re not going to give away the last scene in the season before the show’s even aired!

As you all know, I am a high-powered Netflix executive. I’m the one they call when it’s time to cancel a show you personally love, right as it’s about to get really good. So obviously I’m extremely busy.

The other day at the Big Netflix Board Meeting, Reed Hastings was running late due to being confused by how to

Please refer back to the “that’s my damn business” clause.

I really liked Eternals. I really liked Moon Knight. But one thing I liked about either is that they didn’t go bonkers with Marvel cameos. I’m cool if they stay out of each others’ way. I can see both franchises eventually crossing paths since they both have a connection to the ancient world, but it’s not really

The world needs to see this.

That’s not how you milkshake duck! People have to LIKE the duck first, so that way it’s heartbreaking when we discover the duck is secretly married to Hitler.

Sharing isn’t theft, it’s sharing. I pay for an account. It says I can have up to four screens. That gives me the right to decide what those four screens are. If three of those screens belong to my friends or family members, that’s my damn business.