
Torrents aren’t really any more difficult to figure out than streaming services. And the more restrictions Netflix adds, the more difficult they make using their services, which in turn makes torrents simpler and thus more enticing.

Yeah, because if there’s one thing hardcore Christians are known for, it’s changing their minds in the face of scientific evidence.

(More serious answer: Until the finale of Moon Knight, no one in the MCU knew the Egyptian Gods existed except for their avatars, and Thor only came to Earth like 8 years ago. So this

I really enjoyed that Moon Knight WASN’T chock full of MCU cameos and references. At this point, it’s actually refreshing to see a Marvel project that’s confident enough to stand completely on its own. I mean, remember how the first two MCU Spider-Man movies couldn’t shut up about Tony Stark? Yeah, that sucked. Moon

Ironically, the followup to Avengers, Guardians, is probably Sequeenix’s best game in years. But no one seemed to care because of the bad taste Avengers left in everyone’s mouths.

“NFT’s haven’t started to be a thing yet.”

Oh boy, I can’t wait to be bombarded with popups everytime I try to watch Netflix while traveling. Telling your subscribers that you don’t trust them is sure to increase viewer loyalty!

Hey, maybe it wasn’t a trans person. Maybe it was one of the folks who was rendered homeless after Chapelle used his money to shut down an affordable housing project in his county. 

I know Dragon Prince was renewed for three more seasons in 2020, with season 4 intended to drop this year. I really like that show, and the fact that those remaining three seasons have been in development for so long hopefully means it’s safe.

That level of greed really is almost absurd. It seems like Squeenix doesn’t want to sell video games anymore (look at how their CEO scoffs at the idea of games being fun) they want to sell “services,” because a game can be paid for only once (maybe two or three times with DLC) but a service can generate revenue

HBO Max has virtually every Cartoon Network and Adult Swim show ever made. Disney Plus has every Disney cartoon ever. Netflix has, um, Boss Baby.

It looks like Netflix is axing its animation division almost completely, and just distributing animated shows made by other studios. Luckily, Arcane is one of those shows, and it’s been a huge hit (at a time when Netflix has very few of those.) It’s definitely safe, at least for now.

And that’s not all, either! So a couple of years ago, Lauren Faust, legendary animator who worked on The Iron Giant, Powerpuff Girls, Foster’s Home, Cat’s Don’t Dance, Kid Cosmic, and who created My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, quit her job as showrunner of DC Superhero Girls (one of Cartoon Network’s most

Right now the only “diminishing returns” are in Netflix’s stock price.

If Gustin isn’t even set to appear in every episode next season, maybe they can fill that gap with some crossover episodes that resolve Legends’ finale, at least? Give the show a proper sendoff, even if it’s happening on another, less interesting show.

It’s a double-edged sword, sadly: especially in the streaming world, it seems like it’s almost obligatory to throw in a season end cliffhanger (even when it feels completely forced) to build anticipation for the next season. Some networks and streaming services apparently encourage it so strongly that it may as well

I agree, everyone should stop enjoying themselves this instant. If you’re happy for even one second after the age of 30 you need to go to jail.

Just like Gameloft’s many other live service city builder games do. Those games rake in hundreds of millions per year, and they do it with far less popular licenses than Disney.

If this is a place where heroes and villains “lived together in harmony,” then someone really isn’t doing their job.

Anyway, this looks like it’s basically one of those city builder mobile games but with a much higher budget (which makes sense because Gameloft has been making less flashy versions of this same thing for

The right will absolutely rage no matter what Elon does, because being angry and feeling victimized is central to the conservative identity at this point. And if they can’t find any real-world examples of their supposed oppression, they invent them. That’s part of why the election fraud lie has persisted for so long.

I’m surprised that Disney was so open to making a movie about a guy who jacks every animal on the planet.