
I’ve watched Eternals twice and I’ll probably watch it a third time before I bother to see Doctor Strange VS The Wasp or whatever they’re making next.

This is rapidly becoming one of the most useful tweets of all time, and I hate that.

I don’t know if “period piece” is the correct term here, usually to count as a period piece a movie has to be set at least 20 years in the paOH MY GOD.

I hate that these guys are called “Creators.” They didn’t create squat. George RR Martin created the franchise, they just adapted it. The fact that they got a “creator” credit is the result of them having really good agents who got them inflated titles.

And now every showrunner on TV wants the same treatment, and

This is fascinating to me, because I happened to make the exact opposite choices of all the ones you listed here; so I had no idea that I would have ended up with those outcomes anyway if I had picked something else. Consequently, I never understood why so many people disliked the story of ME3. Now I get it.

“This was clearly a group of shows pitched before anyone knew what the MCU tone was gonna evolve into”

I’m pretty sure you can just stage a LARP with friends and some decent cosplay props for like 1% of the cost of this. Plus you’ll be playing with people who actually want to LARP, not struggling actors who begrudgingly spend 40 hours a week pretending to be Darth Odious for a paycheck.

Is it, though? I mean, it’s a direct sequel meant to capitalize on nostalgia for a show from 2001. How many of today’s kids actually know anything about this property?

Jetman is much better. I feel like Zyuranger was pretty good in its time and is a very important sentai show for the reasons listed above, but important doesn’t always mean enjoyable. It did several things first, but later shows did all those things better.

No Tech Romancer? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we lived in SOVIET RUSSIA.

You know you’ve made an incredibly boring product when even the internet can’t be bothered to get mad about it.

Okay, then go ahead and believe that it’s about free shit if that makes you happy. And a huge amount of the old video games which still exist today, only exist because someone “wanted free shit” and ended up preserving a ROM with that motivation. The same is true for countless movies and TV episodes, many of which

And outside of that “vast majority” are thousands of games which will only exist from now on thanks to pirates. History is more important than profit, buddy.

Theft implies that someone had something taken away from them. If the company I’m pirating from has no intention of selling that game and thus stands to make zero dollars from it whether I pirate it or not, and all the people who worked on the game were already paid for it years ago, then who exactly am I stealing

And only rich bloated bald guys. If you live in affordable housing then Dave will have his butler throw you out.

Chapelle has hit upon a winning formula for has-been comedians: you don’t even have to tell jokes anymore, because some folks will just tune into anything you make to support the fact that you hate the same people they hate.

Australian Man! Noooooo!”

No one else in the industry is making close to that much. Most voice actors make really low pay compared to other actors and don’t get any residuals or cuts of the show’s other revenue. Part of the reason why the Simpsons’ casts salaries are so well-known is because they’re the exception.

Or to put it another way: “Larr

You know what? Good for him. Voice actors in general are underpaid compared to other starring TV talent and that shouldn’t be the norm, especially not on a show that’s been popular for over 20 years at this point.

Anyway, looking forward to episode 1 of the revival, where Bender is killed offscreen and then instantly

I don’t think he’s implying that West and Sagal undervalue their work, I think he’s pointing out that the industry underpays voice actors as a whole (which it absolutely does.)