
Man, people are just spoiled. Oda’s been writing and drawing this comic on a weekly basis for A QUARTER CENTURY. The dude sleeps four hours a night and works 7 days a week. That’s a grueling schedule for even a young person to keep up, and he’s almost 50 at this point. Let him take breaks, for God’s sake.

Oda has said numerous times in author’s notes and interviews that One Piece is something physical and not just an abstraction like friendship or “the journey.”

Not to mention that the various hints that we’ve heard about the nature of the treasure over the years are completely incompatible with One Piece being

“Eternal Loser Ash Ketchum became a Champion before Luffy began being regarded as a notable pirate in his world.”

Wano is long for a reason; it’s basically the culmination of a ton of different plot threads which Oda has been building up for years and years. You can argue that maybe it’s gone on for too long, but it’s not for a lack of content. I feel like some of the earlier arcs in the second half of the series had the problem

I am the show that the streamer refused.

I actually am going to say that Gambit would be a bad pick. Here’s the problem: because of the whole civil rights metaphor at the heart of the X-Men, they represent a pretty different idea than other superheroes, and to make this work you need a hero who can embody all that and introduce the concept to viewers. And

This episode and last week’s outing seem to be sending the clear message that the people behind this show wish they were making Mandolorian season 3 instead of this.

Spot is still alive in Discovery’s era. One day Data’s verbal processing unit glitched out just long enough for him to accidentally ask the replicator for “cat food that makes you immortal.” It listened.

I’m really happy to see Encanto getting this sort of recognition, since thanks to the pandemic and Disney’s weird release strategy, it’s hard to figure out how traditionally “successful” this film was. It did pretty good box office for a pandemic-era movie that was only in theaters for like two weeks, but that’s a lot

Yeah, because eschewing a top 40 hit for a more subdued song that’s in a language most of the voters don’t even speak is totally going the “safe and predictable” route.

That’s really fascinating. I had no idea that Nintendo had such an extensive archiving policy, but it’s very impressive to hear about. To think that the source code for possibly every Nintendo-licensed title ever might be sitting in a (metaphorical) vault someplace, some of them for decades. What a treasure trove.

This site is now dedicated to Principal Skinner news and all I can say is it’s about goddamn time.

I’ve noticed that this is an obnoxiously common attitude among NFT cultists. They firmly believe that it’s impossible for someone to dislike NFT’s; anyone who thinks they dislike them just doesn’t “get” them, and so they have to explain to us poor ignorant souls why burning down a rain forest so someone can “own” a

I don’t know who Hideo Kojima pissed off at Konami but they sure can hold a grudge. Considering that all Konami does anymore is milk its old franchises, I can’t think of any other reason why there isn’t a pricey MGS compilation on every current console.

Where are the examples of this sort of thing actually happening, though? Nine times out of ten, people side with the giant, faceless corporations, because they are always going to have better PR departments than any theoretical victim.

Also, Netflix massively fucked up with its content strategy. They had a multi-year head start over other services, and they should have used that to build up long-running shows so they’d have deep wells of long-running multi-season shows to compete with other services which would offer the same.

Instead they spent

Gaming is exactly like masturbating. It’s most fun if you have good dexterity. The truly dedicated can do it professionally. It usually involves Mario.

I mean, IDW has published over 150 issues of the MLP comics so they probably are pretty stoked that they get to keep doing that. It’s been one of their most consistently selling properties for years, and with Transformers gone, they’ll need to lean harder on popular franchises like that one.

It generated a lot of mainstream news and taught comic companies that a huge shocking plot twist that can be summarized in a headline is more lucrative that an actual good story.