
Just want to pop in and say that The Suicide Squad is the best superhero movie in years, and it looks like everyone has forgotten about it already, which is a damn shame.

I’ve seen other articles on this which do not specify the employee’s gender, so it’s possible that calling the employee “she” is incorrect. It’s also possible that someone assumed she was trans because she’s involved in the walkout, when she could in fact be cis.

Netflix lied about the previous trans employee they tried to fire over this (they claimed she trespassed on a meeting, she later shared a company memo which proved she was invited to that meeting, and Netflix had to publicly retract their claims and reinstate her) so I’m not willing to give them the benefit of the

They deserved to be fired, IF the reason Netflix gave for the firing is true. Netflix already lied to the public when they tried to fire another trans employee over this (we know because they admitted it themselves and reinstated her after she showed proof of the deception) so I don’t have a ton of faith in their word

The organizers are cool, but rude.

Also, Netflix recut their show 13 Reasons Why and added a disclaimer to it, specifically because they were worried it would cause teens to attempt suicide.

So that’s not even Netflix’s “strong belief.” They’re full of crap on multiple levels.

There is exactly zero chance that his right to state his opinion is being threatened. I guarantee that the first amendment is not going to be abolished because a rich hollywood millionaire mocked the vulnerable. If this is what you think needs defending, then please go out and find a real problem to worry about.

Nintendo isn’t being greedy, you guys. They have to do this because that Metroid article cost them $900 trillion. Nintendo is now so destitute that they’re considering entering the squid game (Splatoon.)

Musk didn’t invent PayPal (he joined the company afters its founding but before it rebranded to its current name) he didn’t found Tesla (and electric cars existed decades before the company existed) and he has done zero new things with rockets beyond the pointless publicity stunt of yeeting a car into space.

That list

This’ll be a fun thing to remember next June when Netflix changes its logo to rainbow colors and tries to act all LGBT inclusive on social media.

I dunno, I prefer comedians who, you know, make an effort. Doing nothing for like 15  years and then popping up on a streaming service to bash minorities and pander to old people feels like the epitome of laziness for a comedian. Seems like fans of “comedy in general” should demand better than a guy who’s been

That leaked email proved pretty conclusively that the only principle Netflix has is “we’ll stand behind anything that makes money.” Maintaining that ideal doesn’t take guts, it takes greed.

Oh wow, congrats to the billion dollar corporation for “showing some guts” and standing behind a rich a powerful celebrity who makes them money. Wow, that’s so brave. Maybe next they should give their CEO another bonus, that would be so courageous and inspiring.

He’s getting rich by performing for the same people who would happily call him the N-word if he stopped the act for even a second.

Video games may not cause violence, but a rich celebrity allying themselves with a hate group absolutely does. If you doubt that, you were probably in a coma during the previous presidential administration.

Netflix spent millions of dollars making something called Chicago Party Aunt. They can afford to pay their workers better.

Remember, it’s just a cosmetic change, so just like Gruden the Generic Likeness will also consistently fail to get the Raiders to the playoffs.

It will probably stay. It’s one of those shows that always seems to be on 2 or 3 services at any given time.

He’s been replaced a couple of times, but Peter has consistently been Spider-Man since 2014. He’s just not the ONLY person using that name.

Netflix showed him a giant piggy bank full of cash and asked him to press a green button if he wanted to approve a sequel.