
Driving NASCAR is difficult, if Papyrus' NASCAR Racing was any indication. (As compared to IndyCar, GPL, etc.) It is not, however, exciting to watch.

@dalejrfanfreak: Watching NFL Football is boring as fuck. What's your point?

You mean these AREN'T the droids I am looking for? Don't worry, I'll just move along.

What is it with you people? Do you actually think that hurting, or threatening to hurt others will make you feel better? Or bring you the love of other human beings? Try stopping to help someone change a tire. That old, homeless vet you see on your way home everyday? Give him the carrots and apple you didn't eat

@Brad Trent: Not even a hint of tire rubber?

Crack pipe for sure.

They should go full retro and do a pink key and a blue key.

While I love the idea of a turbocharger as the engine, my love for turbos has grown from the torque they provide when attached to an internal combustion piston engine.

How'd the front wheel get in the truck without a ramp? ;)

As long as the big three did?

Gotta love the guy, but I'm also tired of the whole "rich guys in denim" thing. Where's his "Save the Enzos" shirt?

@Brad Trent: What does that garage smell like? We need to know.

@Nurburgringer: Don't worry, he put smiles on his Ferraris.

Let's just hope this couple called it BEFORE they had kids...