
@IN THE FACE!: Xactly what I was thinking! This will be much better than golf or bowling! Actually, it might be a bit like both. Imagine coming into a corner a little too hot and teeing yourself off the roof. Or, going for the split when two cars are blocking you.

@Ash78, fark retiree: You forgot Peanut Butter. It lasts longer that way, and adds texture.

@RäcinG73™: That would be a 9d EAT ASS. You have to be more flexible for a 69 EAT ASS, depending on comparable heights. Yeah, I've put way too much thought into it.

I'd have kept it, and given it freely at my next annual traffic stop for speeding.

@ProfessorSlowmobile: Last winter, I saw 3 Subarus (and 3 other cars) in the ditch on my way to opening day at Mount Hood Meadows in Oregon. I yelled at all three of them, "You're doing it wrong! Search Craigslist auto parts using the term 'studless!'"

@MushyHeirloom: Try 8" of freshies! You'll need at least 200HP and AWD with snow tires, but it's worth it!

Fucking savages :)

That was a great article until I saw the Countach with shitty stripes and the Mexican Taxi inspired Diablo SV. For shame!

@Matt Farah: Do you get in for free with a "members only" jacket?

@Ash78, fark retiree: My personal experience with low end torque from a twin turbo V6 includes pulling an almost-180 on accident with all four spinning the first time I drove my wife's A6 2.7TQM in the wet. Took off from a stop sign turning right in a hurry. I was used to the TINY bit of lag my stock 2G DSM has, so

@BMRFILE: Dude, put down the internet and actually drive some cars before you talk about them!

This is like the automotive version of "The Crying Game."

@tankman: Or, how things really work in the Pentagon. It's probably closer than you think to the truth.

The article says it's designed to bring the crew home. Looks like it's designed to keep us in the middle east... forever. If it keeps more of "other people's" kids from getting killed, I'm all for it, but I'd still like to see some of the f**ks (not folks) who got us into this mess over there taking fire.

That's some pretty impressive full screen video on that computer in the first ad :)

This is my favorite track to drive in sims besides the Nurburgring (the entire historic circuit, not this "nordschleiffe" crap!) Someday, after my revolutionary new sex toy comes to market, we'll be there.

@Chuckybas: And the historics are probably better!

If we would just outlaw studded tires altogether (studless winter trac tires work better in most conditions IMO anyway), we could pave the whole country in this stuff. Pave paradise, close down a drifting spot...