Turbolence1988 Loves Magic Turn Circles

Q. What director would make a film about a gang of Toronto-based home-and-car thieves?

Well considering most people are assholes the low-hanging fruit is “every car.”

TSA, like most security, is like IT.

So you’ve had an expense account, I see.

Not only that, but don’t make it easy. Make it $38.71, $27.12, $15.23, etc. By making random numbers over say $10, it won’t be as easy to spot. But when someone looks at the data and sees a pile of transactions for exactly $1, it raises a red-flag.

What an idiot.  Could have kept it going for a long time if he hadnt been so greedy.  Hell, make it $500 instead of $1 and I bet it’d still be going on.

Finally, someone mentioned this. Kitchen stainless steel cleaner is a polish. It is abrasive and is taking a layer. The idea that this is “the solution” to the rust is ridiculous.

Yeah it’s only surface contamination for now. It absolutely WILL rust the actual stainless if not removed. Yes contaminants aren’t great for normal painted cars either but they clearly don’t rust upon contact. If you bought a Cybertruck you deserve to have to be out there with stainless cleaner every week, babying

If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy.

A good store manager would trespass this clown instead of allowing him to harass their employees.

“The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

It’s the same reason why crossovers are more popular than standard cars now. Ride height. As Americans grow larger and older [See: Wall-E], the ability to just slide themselves into a higher vehicle becomes very appealing. And last I checked, are younger people even buying Miatas?

Thank you, both of you. I was thinking the same - fat old people are often the only ones who can afford a (new) 2 seater sports car as a secondary or tertiary ride.
But that doesn’t mean that the Miata has to change. Bought one for my wife as her first car, a beater - sure, but it was still fun, and she loved it until


Harmless? Not quite buddy. All of these fools put their lives - and others - in danger. And then, law enforcement has to clean up the mess. Perhaps if a few of them died in front of their friends, doing stupid shit, this wouldn’t be happening. 

Thanks to their Magatard CEO, I’d say anything made by Tesla as they depreciate like stones thanks to him cutting the prices in half every so often.

Aw shucks, guys. Thank you. Just trying to give folks a little chuckle.