Turbolence1988 Loves Magic Turn Circles

Had One Never Did Again   

Me? Post something on this blog as bait? I would never.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but a bankrupt Nazi is a good start.

will introduce potential security risks to our customers”

They may have alternated in-office days so that situations like this didn’t occur.

Why the fuck are Nazis and traitors in charge of my country? Trump should have been executed on January 7th, 2021.

And now most of these workers will be fired for 1) being late to clock-in because nowhere to park, 2) not sitting at their assigned desk, one that doesn’t exist because nowhere to sit, and/or 3) they’re Black/Hispanic/Not-hot women/gay/seem gay/have a gay friend.

See, now THAT is clever, and funny. Stickering someone’s car is a dick move, but putting a business card like that under the wiper is gold.

Someone should offer a service where, if you want out of your Tesla and into a non-Swastikar, they will total your vehicle for a nominal fee

There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.

No one steals 8,000+ cartons of eggs to give them away. No one steals 8,000+ cartons of organic eggs, period, unless they know they have a way to sell them. Whoever did this owns a chicken farm or another egg distribution business and intends to swap the eggs into their own packaging.

X3. Not that I want one, but just to see how much complexity and maintenance burden BMW could build into a full frame.

Yup, this. “Too slow” is 99% subjective, and I have a feeling I know what types of people during OPERATION BROWNSKIN CRAKDOWNZ will seemingly always be going “too slow” and needing to be pulled over because only slowness (and certainly not an immigration status check....)

Yeah, this law seems like a novelty for a certain crowd, but in practice is a new excuse to harass minorities. 

Seems like the wording will make it both tough to actually enforce while creating a convenient excuse to pull people over for “reasons”.

Actively destroying the country. And people voted for it.

If anyone in the White House press corps had any self respect, they would ask him to spell tariff.

I’ve never seen a snowflake melt so easily.

1. I pulled up a block from ASUC. A female student walking by talking on the phone said that a Cybertruck just ruined her day loudly, obviously wanting me to hear it.

So you bought one of the most ridiculous vehicles ever made to draw attention to yourself. Then, when it’s not the attention you want, you try and play the victim.