
Lighten up....

The racing was mostly shit though, and the only reason you didn’t see as much dominance as we did in the past 20 years is because cars tended to break down more.

Modern F1 cars are just so HUGE!

No he can’t lose the title. There is no legal lane or sporting regulation to reverse the title after it is decided. All Massa is looking for is $, and when outlets like Jalop run with dumb headlines like this, it is what he wants so people just pay to make this stupid stuff away.

Kind of click bait here. This has been reported on many times now. Massa and his legal team know they won’t overturn the result. They are going over lost incom and image potential in form of, you guessed it, money.

No he won’t, this is such a click-baity title.

If someone watches the madness at Zandvoort or the wheel to wheel prancing horses battling in Monza and thinks F1 is boring, they were never going to be racing fans... they're just Netflix fans. 

After all, Marko is Australian and, therefore, subject to errors in judgement.

Just Helmut being Helmut, but one crucial thing from European POV. I think like 80 % Europeans would say it is in South America as it is not usual to even recognize the central part. It is too far, so most people don’t use the term at all. US/Canada is North, the rest is South.

F1 has a 2 hour time limit from when the green flag is waved.

Yeah, no. This isn’t a disparity between entertainment and sport; it’s a disparity between spec racing and F1. It’s basically a race between engineering teams (which I like), not so much drivers. There’s a reason teammates so often finish within 1 place of each other, and it’s not an abundance of goodwill and

That may be true and all but then Checo would have no problem being second or even first all the time as well. Yes the car is very good thanks to Newey, but Max vs Checo has shown that it's just as much the driver as the car.

Massa’s argument is that Piquet Jr’s deliberate crash caused pit stop chaos — which made Ferrari Ferrari all over at the Ferrari pits.

I guess he feels that without crashgates, pit stops woulda been more normal and neither him nor his pit crew would have made those blunders, thus ending in a better position for the

Yeah, so Renault should have been DQ’d entirely, and Lewis would have had more points by finishing 2snd instead 3rd and Massa would still score no points.

Yeah, that does sound pretty good...and probably even better from a spectator’s position. But better than the insane shriek of a v10 era F1 car? Not so sure about that...and, in that era, the McLarens had this demonic wail that was just a touch deeper than the other cars. Totally insane. PLUS...you could FEEL it in

The main problem with DTS is it attracted a lot of people who maybe don’t realize that 2021 was an anomaly; F1 is rarely like that. It was a real treat and I’ll never forget the anticipation going into Abu Dhabi that year, but I’m under no illusions it will happen again anytime soon.

I don’t want a series filled with gimmicks that serve as band-aids slapped onto major wounds of systemic issues.”

How well is trying to make racing into a sport with tournements and such working for NASCAR? I tried to watch the race Kimi was in last year, and literally couldn’t figure out the basic structure. Like there’s three? seperate periods with intermissions and restarts, just for the heck of it? And “Playoffs” at the end

Same as it was when Lewis was winning it all.  He was finishing seasons short.  People just hate on Max but are okay with the boring seasons that Lewis one.  Double standard all around.  Americans are truly ruining this sport.

Compelling narratives? Is that what you call making up rivalries and other crap?