
and? there are people who work harder than you too but youre still allowed to complain about your job

I thought I read somewhere also that his roles in recent years were chosen more on the basis of just acting while he still can, so it looked like more quantity over quality.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I only watch these things if there’s a boom operator I like.

The 33-year-old racer has competed for three teams since joining F1 in 2011"

This is the best one of these. 

Appreciate the response. Website bookmarked, I’ll be visiting regularly. 

Actually, the Honda units will be branded. This is to prevent any lost credits as an all-new manufacturer for RBPT starting in 2026.

This is a great comment. Can I ask where you read all this? All this info is right up my alley and would love to read more.

it’s an Xbox game.

Jeddah is actually a great track and last year’s race proved it. What’s controversial about it has always been the host country’s human rights record, not its qualities as a race track.

That’s just their cover. The IP address was apparently easily viewable by anyone searching for the LeMans server on Steam.  No leaks required, just piss-poor security and organization.

At this point you’re basically buying debt.  The only reason to buy them would be to immediately back out of their exclusivity deals and then shut them down.  Nobody wants to step in and actually try to run that company.

Yes, much like real life, when four or more driver’s tires blow out at the same time they all get their time back and if it’s just you they don’t give a damn. Racing sim.

For what it’s worth, I find Markle and Harry pretty irritating. They aren’t crusaders against the monarchy or the celebrity press — they only want these institutions to be nicer to them, personally.  They left the monarchy not to be normal people, but in search of a role that is somehow even more privileged, more

That code was an invention for the show and I think it was just really a way to cap the episode with an ominous tone. It implies there’s bands of autonomous smugglers working outside the QZ in communication with Joel, which is not from the game. There is one character from the game, that I know they’ve changed some

They have parts failures, which are minimized to the best of an entire team’s effort.... Tracks don’t randomly fail under them though. If that was the case, said tracks would be closed down and never raced on again.

You’re a competitor, and you’ve trained a lot for this. You choosing the race with the reasonable failure/disconnection rate and safeguards in place? Or the one that leaves itself and all your effort open to fuckery? Some people are so desperate to establish a real-world metaphor to justify failures that clearly

Just as long as we can still get some more “James May, Our Man In...” shows, I’ll be satisfied.

Nope, ep 3 is Bill and Frank story.

The opening virus explainer reminded me of I Am Legend, which is a funny coincidence because the original teaser images of the game during pre-release, particularly of the overgrowth in the city, also gave me those vibes.