
Not sure if this has anything to do with it but the fictional team’s title sponsor, Expensify, has been plummeting on the stock market recently amidst some insider trading allegations or something of the sort. I can’t be bothered to learn more about it but that could be a factor?

I don’t understand why anyone would listen to the main crew unless there’s no other option. Alex Jacques is much better than Crofty (which isn’t difficult tbh), and Jolyon Palmer is the best in the business right now. I also really, really like the addition of Hinchcliffe to the F1TV team. Let’s hope they keep those

I don’t really agree that they were unfair to Albon, considering:

It is, and they do. There’s a lot of stuff that gets checked on all cars every race. The floor isn’t one of them since it’s not an issue at most tracks, and checking the skid blocks requires disassembly. They usually have to get everything done in a couple of hours in order to release the cars to the teams in time.

What makes you think he’s Saudi?

Why was plank wear only a problem in Austin? Why haven’t we heard about similar problems at other tracks this season?

If you can’t be bothered to look any of that stuff up then maybe you should admit to yourself that this series doesn’t interest you one bit.

You mean it would look bad for F1 in the US. The rest of the world really don’t seem to care a whole lot whether Andretti gets in or not. And there’s plenty of legitimate reasons to keep him out.

Force India is, since they were about to go bust. But Racing Point was just a placeholder for the Aston Martin takeover. Same management.

It’s really not. Several teams are still not turning a profit, but the spending restrictions will mean that they soon can finally see something in return for their years, sometimes decades of efforts. They don’t want to split that with a newcomer who got interested in F1 a couple of years ago when it suddenly got more

Like you said, that would not be very practical, plus it’s not the FIA’s responsibility that the cars are able to run a race distance and still be legal afterwards. They only verify it.

I assume all cars get inspected equally or was it randomized?

I have seen many talented drivers not progress solely based on funding.

There are already plenty of series for young drivers to launch them into F3. It’s called F4.

I think the sprint race is here to stay, but I’ll never understand why we need a separate qualy session for it. Just go reverse-championship-standings for the sprint grid. This means you can have an extra practice session on Friday and just move the qualy session back to Saturday.

Remember they are also basically sitting on top of the battery pack.

Because people should agressively be chasing wins, not second places.

You mentioned Monaco, but I think that was more the result than the cause. Verstappen broke Perez in Miami; Checo looked shellshocked after that race and it really started his slide down the order.

Wrong color though. Since he’s clearly going to Gresini, this is Marc’s new Ducati:

Gresini satellite rider Jorge Martin is currently second in the title race