
Replace Schumacher with Shwartzman, and I think you’re spot on.

It’s unknown whether Gutierrez still has it. If not, it shouldn’t be a problem, as he can earn it again after practice. Hülkenberg will definitely still have his.

Yep, and it’s being reported that Hülkenberg is scheduled for a seat fitting.

At this point it looks to be a lock that he’ll join Alfa if Aston Martin goes for Vettel. Kimi is done, and Giovinazzi will likely be out too. They’re not getting the job done, and a Perez/Shwartzman lineup will be a massive improvement for them.

He was never going to be the undisputed number one at McLaren. Norris is quicker, and 5 years younger. Carlos was smart to realize that this was probably going to be his one chance to get a top seat, and he had to take it.

No he doesn’t. He’s in his 7th year at the team, they know what he is and what he isn’t.

Here’s the funny part: because of cost-cutting measures due to the current pandemic and shorter F1-season, everybody else can’t copy Mercedes’ car.

No other team receive the LST payment which is by far the biggest payment category.

One of the obvious mistakes Ferrari kept making last season were the recurring decisions to swap cars back and forth. No argument there. But it should be noted that Vettel’s only victory last season came by way of a strategic decision by Ferrari, effectively sacrificing Leclerc’s race in Singapore in favor of Vettel.

No, it’s deceptive. Other teams receive guaranteed pay-outs too; Ferrari doesn’t have veto power over every aspect of the sport, and it’s logical that the only team who have been contending in the F1 world championship since its inception has ‘lost’ the most titles.

I love to root against Ferrari, but this comment is all sorts of bollocks.

Like the updated Nurburgring?

Icarus you say?

Alex Rins has also been cleared after fracturing his shoulder in Friday practice last week. They’re insane.

Copying isn’t the issue. Sourcing listed parts from a competitor is.

It is when you’re using data from direct competitors (for listed parts anyway).

The outside doesn’t matter. Brake duct intakes can be copied from photographs. It’s the extremely complex inner workings of the ducts that are of interest here.

Not the issue though. There are clear regulations in place that certain parts aren’t allowed to be provided by other competitors. If the FIA can establish that the RP’s brake ducts are based on Mercedes CAD files, then that’s illegal.

I’m not sure exactly what the threshold for this is, but I’d assume if they did obtain blueprints and technical drawings from AMG

Nobody is copying the DAS system. It’s still banned for 2021, there’s no point in investing time and resources into something like that.