
Given their fairly recent trend of horrendous QC and rumored artificially bumped sales figures, that conclusion falls under ‘better late than never’.

No. No it’s not.

Also this

It’s clear that Rage was inspired by UDS (so what?), but using Demagogue as an example is not the right move.

Don’t necessarily disagree with you, but aren’t all of those examples drag racers?

The W Series was never set up with the expectation to be self sustaining. It relies on investment from a few people and the FIA. There’s no way the series isn’t operating at a loss so losing one season shouldn’t hurt them much.

There will be F2/F3 support races at all 8 confirmed events.


Why do people always have the need to exaggerrate about this stuff? It’s as if they’re not confident of their opinion and therefore have to make it seem worse than it is.

The point you’re trying to make is that cars which were designed for oval racing are much better at oval racing than cars which were not designed for oval racing.

All we know for sure is that the only car that was truly developed under his leadership, wasn’t ready in time causing huge embarrassment to Williams, and when it finally did run it turned out to be the worst Williams car ever made. He didn’t have the team around him that he had at Mercedes and McLaren, and he couldn’t

And how much fun was that F1 race/parade to watch?

An ambitious team should not be staffing itself entirely with pay drivers.

So what you’re saying is that people who purchase an autopolited Tesla are not average people? That is weird.

Ah yes, those glorious days of the 1963 Belgain GP. When the leader won the race by 5 minutes, and everyone else was lapped. When 4 of the 6 finishers would end up perishing in a crash. Much better.

There’s no constructors championship in F2, since none of the teams are constructors. ART is very much a powerhouse in that series.

1) only one team is doing that

It’s Formula One RACING

You’re right on the management decisions. The real reason Williams can’t keep up anymore is because they stubbornly insist they do everything themselves, wheareas other competing teams have realized for years that it’s much smarter to let certain areas of the cars be developed by the bigger teams.

14 seconds. That’s how much quicker F1 was as COTA last year.