Yeah, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted that Wasserman Schultz’s “playing the anti-semitism card” seriously backfired after that email was leaked.
Yeah, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz noted that Wasserman Schultz’s “playing the anti-semitism card” seriously backfired after that email was leaked.
You know, the funny thing about Wodehouse is that his influence is everywhere. When I was small, my father gave me a copy of The Secret of Monkey Island, and I had no idea why the hero was named Threepwood until I started reading Wodehouse.
What Bernie Or Bust voters don’t get is that Trump wouldn’t be setting the agenda. Trump’s campaign made it clear that his VP would be the one setting policy, according to Kasich staffers.
Pew says it is. 85% of Bernie voters say they’ll vote for Clinton in the general. Trump has a way of making the stakes very clear.
Bernie voters are unifying behind Clinton faster than Clinton voters unified behind Obama, despite all the news stories about Bernie or bust types. I think that’s part of why this leak was released when it was.
The campaign did hire her, and yeah, it’s a bad move for Clinton even though it’s probably not a terribly visible role.
It’s almost as if him tagging you and his misidentifying Pepe le Pew as the hero rather than the villain might have some common cause...
Yeah, that’s a bad move. I mean some kind of golden parachute was inevitable, but one in the campaign? Really?
I don’t think it’ll be too hard. After all, Bernie supporters are much quicker to back Clinton than Clinton supporters were to back Obama eight years ago- clearly even if they aren’t enthused about her or the party establishment, they know what’s at stake.
They were talking about planting stories with friendly journalists in order to favor the establishment candidate, despite their own rule about impartiality. Technically it’s corruption, but it’s not a big deal. It happens every election in both parties, which is why Silver felt so comfortable using endorsements and…
Considering the ruin she’s made of the DNC, this can only be a good thing.
I disagree. I think Bernie, like other choices (Liz Warren, for instance) has the chance to do a lot more good in his current role and in getting involved in down-ticket races.
85% of Bernie Voters have decided to vote for and support Clinton in November. That’s more than the percentage of Clinton voters who had rallied behind Obama before the convention in 2008.
The thing Tim Kaine brings to the party is that he’s a credible centrist white man, which might assauge anxiety some centrist white men feel about Clinton because of the decades of smear campaigns and ingrained sexism.
This just reminds me of when Britta fell in love with Subway on Community.
The agenda of Nippon Kaigi, and the constitutional reforms necessary to bring it about, are opposed by most of the population- that’s why Abe’s election campaign focused on the economy.
To paraphrase the standup Stewart Lee, it’s because comedians provide a valuable social function by acting as agents of the carnivalesque. In many cultures, clowns are sacred figures. Their attacks on propriety and their inversion of common values provides catharsis that preserves the status quo by normalizing the…
Well, parents making/liking bad puns is kind of a cliche. Hence the whole dad joke thing.
Well, deliberate misspellings are part of the humor of Weird Twitter though. The same for bad/weird grammar. That’s part of the joke, or at least, the idiom that the feed is working in.