Tuppy Glossop

It’s not so much the abyss of madness as a weird twitter parody of an account that just posts hacky riffs on the original show.

It’s a reflection of the fact that, up until that point, most sitcoms had a hook that permeated the themes and comedy of the show. The Golden Girls was about older women who share a home and aging, M*A*S*H was about a military medical unit and the absurdities of war, I Dream of Genie was about having a genie, and

If I had to guess, it’d be because the Toronto chapter of Black Lives Matter (yes, they have one) controversially blocked the Pride Parade last week with a list of demands that were mostly basic administritive issues like more autonomy for community spaces and more diversity in hiring. All really reasonable stuff.

It’s probably a response to the Toronto Pride protest.

Celtic have done the world a great service by being shitty.

Actually, people do eat horse. Iceland and France in particular have much higher rates of consumption than most countries, but I’ve had it in North America.

Saints Row the Third and Saints Row IV have always approached sexuality with the basic attitude, intelligence and kitsch level as pro-wrestling. It’s a game where you get statistically rewarded for cross-dressing.

Yeah, Pride would probably be a better fit for something like Saints Row. GTA follows the South Park model of scatalogically obliterating whatever it sets its sights on.

I think it’s because GTA is basically the main open world game with an active mod scene right now. I don’t think you could create a meaningfully realistic virtual pride in, say, Fallout 4.

A lot of them were actually Trump fans from the start. Alt-right sites like /pol/ have been posing as Bernie supporters for months on social media in an attempt to create acrimony between Bernie and Clinton supporters.

Here’s what gets me:

Wikipedia actually has a breakdown of how each character is reimagined in each new addition because of course it does that’s what wikipedia is for.

Yeah. The movie was basically dreamt up by the lefty half of the Yes, Minister writing team as an homage to screwball comedy, totally independent of the game’s fiction beyond the basic layout of the mansion and the names.

I think it makes a lot of sense. For him it’s about respecting Gene Roddenberry, who was a friend and collaborator. Gene saw Sulu as straight and Takei played him as straight. So for him, this is a betrayal of his dear friend’s vision.

Rich white people being dishonest over extremely minor issues is only allowed to disappear if they have penises, silly!

It’s Game of Thrones.

Actually, I think that’s more Miller’s thing. He is basically a moe girl after all.

Yeah, closest there is is Wolf Among Us. Which is good, but still.

Well, yeah. Because she leaned to the right on immigration for a very long time until it was made into an issue by Sanders. She probably wouldn’t have even staked out a specific position beyond rebuking the wall if she didn’t have to fight for hispanic votes in the primary.

Not gonna happen though. It’d alienate major donors.