Tupiniquim - Our spin is DEAD

First of all, “Because this is America. And I’ll do what I want” is literally untrue when it comes to public health issues. Governments across the country have the ability to quarantine people, restrict their movements, take their passports, and force them to take medicine at certain times. For instance, if they are

My favorite part of the teaser trailer for this snake oil sideshow is when the voiceover says that everything on it is ‘unregulated’. Since when the fuck is that a positive? It’s every Republican’s wet dream to deregulate everything in sight. Is that a good thing now, too, Gwyneth, you pasty little twit?

“With a funny, gorgeous, sexy, and beautifully unexpected scent, this candle is made with geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed to put us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth.”

her business model is the same as fucking alex jones. and we should be villifying her to the extent that he is. fucking con artists pushing bullshit narratives. 

Jillian Michaels LOVES to injure fat people. How many times on her show has she set the treadmill too fast, over the person’s complaints, only to have them fall off the damn thing, as predicted?

She’s a bully. Who the fuck cares what she thinks?

Nah, I don’t think that’s the message.

It’s really very simple. Don’t be an asshole. Don’t be an asshole to fat people, don’t be an asshole to alcoholics, or drug addicts, or the homeless, or...people in general. Not only is it bad to be an asshole, but, if you’re genuinely concerned for someone and your stated goal is to get them to change their

The only people who should care about Lizzo and her health is Lizzo and the health care professionals she hires.

This. Does the entire world think that overweight and obese people don’t know the consequences of being overweight? Lindy West has an excellent discussion of this in her book Shrill. It’s like Jillian Michaels and everyone thinks they’re giving you some enlightening feedback, when really it’s just a reminder that they

#1 cause of bankruptcy?! I’m a fat person, and I find that statement to be the most offensive. The #1 cause of bankruptcy is our predatory for=profit healthcare system. Not all sick people get sick because of their diet. Often the people who go bankrupt aren’t fat people, they are people with unavoidable illnesses.

This is the god’s honest truth. The gym can be a scary place, particularly if you’re overweight. I’ve been there. I’m still there in a lot of ways. And this week at my gym there have been a bunch of New Years resolutioners, several of whom are obese. I can see them feeling everything I felt 18 months ago. I’ve tried

I’m not going to argue that there aren’t health problems that come with obesity, but I am going to argue that most people who bully/concern troll people about their weight don’t actually care about the health problems. They just think that being fat is at best a humiliating flaw and at worst a moral failing.

I also find it rich that Jillian Michaels would comment on health when everyone has pretty much said the Biggest Loser used some EXTREMELY unhealthy means to get results.

I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life and one of the biggest reasons that I did not go to the gym was fear. Not fear of the equipment or working hard. Fear of people thinking I was lazy or not willing to try or gross because I was fat. I’ve luckily found a gym that is supportive, but when someone talks like she

Statistically, I think the number one cause is actually “being Donald Trump”.

It does not surprise me in the least that a hack like Michaels makes a classic correlation = causation error. This sort of concern trolling is something fat people have to deal with all the time and it’s really destructive—particularly when you look at all the other shit black women have to deal with in our society.

I see Phoebe Waller-Bridge cleaned up again. I just finished the second season of Fleabag on Friday and I was legit depressed for the next couple of days. I can’t remember the last time a series continued to affect my emotions even after I finished watching it. I’m pretty sure whatever Andrew Scott goes on to do, he

Binged the whole thing this morning and loved it. My two main takeaways were that if Gina Carano isn’t a main player next season then she should get her own spinoff series (loved her more in this than anything else she’s done since she retired from UFC), and that Favreau should be overseeing all of Star Wars (still

Wake me up when any of these cowards actually stand up for something, vs. just being “disappointed” or “disturbed”. They’re all a bunch of craven shitheels, and deserve no accolades.

Did kind of feel like work didn’t it? And the “tragedy” at the end of this season finale was so poorly directed draining it of any emotional heft was a disservice to dead Rogers everywhere. This entire series feels like it just unspools, so bereft of any talent in sustaining a narrative drive in spite of some amazing