Anyone want to point out the fact that this is an ADVANTAGE?
Anyone want to point out the fact that this is an ADVANTAGE?
So...Pablo. What does everybody think? I mostly like it!
I don’t have any friends. Stop making assumptions, dipshit.
We do - OSHA. Those are legally binding workplace conditions.
Profound words, pooping
I have another trick. Don’t live up north.
I enjoy it when the Rock shows up and breaks all of the new rules for promos for 15 straight minutes.
The New Day are by far one of the best things on this program. The Rock, old man straight from the Attitude Era forgets WWE is PG now, as the New Day’s reaction to hearing the word “penis” on live tv was the best thing I’ve seen in a while.
My takeaway from this is that, in what is almost assuredly his last season, Peyton Manning finally has the type of supporting cast he probably should have had his entire career.
I love my Patriots, but hot damn does Denver deserve all the credit for this game. Their defense played as close to perfectly as they could. Miller was truly terrifying and the Pats O-line had no answers at all in that game.
America in 2016: Cop treats kids like kids and doesn’t shoot them. Wins medal.
Fans voting for John Scott was always meant to be a joke. Kobe Bryant is a joke.
I know it is supposed to be the fans and it is just an exhibition. But letting Kobe start is a disgrace.
Trent Green
Fig Newtown Massacre led Purple vs. Carts On Planers led Bishop Sankey & the Revolutionary War led by Thomas Brady Bill vs. OJ’s Bronco led by Owl Collinsworth #grblflrblnrbl
“That is an AMAZONIAN tweet. Real pop-swatch staff.” - Emmitt Smith
Seriously? Has Russell Wilson’s faith ever hurt anyone? I mean, if that’s going to be your criteria for deciding who to root for, I think the choice between a guy who beats a child and a guy who is a little too pious is pretty easy...
Dallas might be a good fit for him. Would probably sit behind Romo for a couple of years, learn the NFL game like Rodgers did and then take over
I don't get all the hate.