Just Ask This Scientician

Certainly, it’s not ideal that our country may begin to just straight-up start electing unqualified (and in this case abhorrent) entertainers to high office.

Looks like someone had fun with the Saints Row Create-a-character mode!

“But it’s the midwest! My small trust fund should allow me to buy vast tracts of land!”

He was complaining that Chicago is expensive. He’s from San Francisco, for god’s sake. That alone made me realize how full of shit he is.

This has got to be the most stupid person on the internet... and I’ve seen some dumbasses.

Right-wing Christians are frequently the most un-Christlike of anybody. There’s more positive healthy useful and actionable modern-day life lessons in a random episode of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood than there is from a random book of the Bible.

You might be in the wrong place.

It’s more that movies try to make everyone look the same height, largely so that they can do relatively close shots of two characters’ faces without one of them being cut off by the top or bottom of the screen.

Seeing Stanley Tucci on that list higher than Tom Cruise makes me insanely happy.

Finally, we get attractive feminist icons unlike that Sadie Hawkins who was so unattractive she had to beg men to go to a dance with her.

I wonder if the drive to get more attention is part of what made them want to act.

I star a post and it actually loses stars? What the hell is going on here!

Slightly embarrassing confession time: when I moved down to LA, I lived in an area that hosted tons of movie premieres (usually a couple every week) and I made it a hobby to go to them. Among my observations about actors:


Also, I’m really glad that I have Kathryn Bigelow’s ex husband around to weigh in on the idea that a landmark achievement by a woman director is overblown.

Needed a scene where Wonder Woman is forced to do a strip tease by her in disguise husband.

Kids today.

“Pfft, he doesn’t understand the three dots thing”.

Even trapped in this odd Kinja netherworld, one cannot escape Goop.