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Wheels? Where we're going, we don't need wheels....

What kind of plane is that? Because it looks like the exact same one I was in that had catastrophic mechanical failure back in '95 or '96. It was a US Airways Express that lost the left engine and some hydraulic control and we had to abort back to Cincinnati.

I love how the guy in the video's only comment was "not bad". lol

First Sully and now this guy; U.S. Airways the the most amazing pilots, or the shittiest planes...maybe both but somehow I feel safe flying with them given their record of "flawless crashing"

Good thing it wasn't a big jet. That tends to be messier.

Beautifully done piloting.

It'll be more awesome if the plane will fly again.. but it's unlikely, something like this would probably cause unknown structural damages?

Were there any passengers? lol

Darn Chinese overachievers. We 'mericans have teenagers missing for ten years and they have to go ahead and beat us on both age and duration.

is this a repost?

Is it just me or is this just a house on stilts?

It reminds me of Drinky Crow.