
I don't understand HTC's decision not to release this in America/Europe. Who the hell would want to turn down MicroSD support? Cards are dirt cheap now as well.

In the old days a condition like this would have been deadly not just for the baby but for the old lady living in a hut just outside the village who would have been accused of witchcraft. Science sure is wonderful. Media console

Gamers are such whiners. Microsoft is putting a HAL 2001 computer into your living room and they complain. MS will focus on games at E3. They said that multiple times during the presentation. Laptop A Cover.

Not sure I need ruminations on responsible moderation from a site like this one, where the comment section could best be described as Thunderdome. I also don't feel a handful of anecdotal examples do anything to demonstrate that Facebook has any kind of institutional policy problem - given how much content they deal

Great saying. Google is unpredictably great. Everyday this is updating with a tremendous change. Pleasure to use Google plus. Experiencing the best social networking. Thanks for the laptop exterior accessories.

Really where are the passengers...

He is really very clever. God blessed them.
Some new logo.

Meet some new laptop a cover.

Same kind of logo.

Wow, can you imagine the feeling to walk through a place you haven’t been in 20 years, but it’s very important to you. And with every step you know that this is the place. And just after a few more minutes you find home?

How coy of them. There is no doubt in my mind that facial recognition is the killer app of Google Glass and they are too smart to not realize it. Imagine being able to discretely call up the name, your notes, recent emails and communications, the facebook page of or a search on anyone you are talking to. This is what

This one is best and look simple and friendly.
This have a cool media console.

So, 400M activations in 2012, 900M in first half of 2013? That means 12.5 BILLION activations by the end of 2014. It will be really impressive, especially given that there are still only going to be 7B people on the planet.

The reality— These numbers are just made up. Google doesn't report them to the SEC. And no

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