
This article somewhat undersells how spectacularly, transcendently awful both episodes of Iron Chef USA are. I have for years fantasized about doing a minute by minute tweet along because the density of hilarious awfulness is awe inspiring. If you decide to watch it (which I highly recommend) here are some random

Random two cents:

Less now than when I sent it. I think one had sold for 1.2k or something at the time? Now it’s maybe 4 or 500? I haven’t paid much attention, I just wanted to preserve it. Nice return on a modest amount of money paid five years ago regardless but really I just like having a sealed, preserved, first party misprint late

Way less now if ebay is to be believed. It was hovering decently above 1k at the time but has dropped a decent amount for commensurate condition. That wasn’t really my motivation though, I just wanted to preserve a weird thing I happened to own.

The nominal amount on their site: $85. Mine was not valuable enough for the surcharge to kick in, but yes, for the big ticket items that’s absolutely a valid concern. Mostly I just wanted to properly preserve a weird thing I had rather than be anxious that I’d somehow mistreat it. I also have sealed copies of Devil’s

About 2 or 3 weeks before the Jobst video dropped I was cleaning my office and realized I bought a copy of Breath of the Wild on Wii U and completely forgot about it. Turns out it was the first edition misprint, so I thought “Hey, I should get this sealed and graded” because why not it’s an oddity. Then I looked up

Simplicity is good. My 5 year old, who adores cars and pretty much exclusively plays arcade and sim racers (Burnout Paradise, Forza, Grid, Cruisin’, that sort of stuff) has never really understood how to play a character action game. As soon as the Kirby demo came out, boom, suddenly controlling a character in 3d

I mean I guess when your niche thing becomes a super ultra certifiable mass market phenomenon (I mean, again, but more acutely this time) you gotta keep the gate somehow.

Whew, thank god no one will be besmirching the good name of a family that tried to start a franchise of private prisons in Israel, is building settlements on the West Bank, and who is otherwise enmeshed in one of the dirtiest, unnecessary businesses on the books.

Absolutely this. During the last developer panic in my area neighbors were canvassing the area telling us how affordable housing would fuck up our water table... It was novel at least, I’ll give them that.

Pro-tip if these dipshits ever come knocking at your door: Play super dumb. The longer you play dumb, the more

Pro-tip: Do not under any circumstances play 12 Minutes. It is profoundly, head clutchingly bad. The single joy I wrought from it was doing a loop where I did everything comically wrong, but even that was kind of mean spirited and unpleasant. Doesn’t matter if it’s free, I played it for free, it was not worth it.

Wordle is charming and fun and a reminder of times past and I don’t hate this because it is incredibly shrewd to take the money before this burns out (which... arguably... it kind of already has?). Like the core charm is its quaint free-ness, the second there is even an iota of additional friction (which they will

I feel like this is sort of conflating two sentiments. Being personally capable of upgrading hardware is pretty orthogonal to being restricted from doing so by the manufacturer, or in other words, I don’t think there’s a strong correlation between technical ability and exclusively choosing vendors who allow you to

Absolutely true, it’s a pain for anything but their desktops, but that’s not really an answer to the broad statement that Apple users == non-technical and not detail oriented. If upgrading RAM and internal storage are the sole signifiers of being technically minded then... What qualifies for the other 99.99% of the

Good lord MacOS is POSIX compliant, there’s room for power users and typical consumers, they’re not mutually exclusive, sheesh.

Here’s two dark horses that nobody will probably agree with but which I find so fascinating in tone and execution that I could probably watch them on a loop non stop without getting bored:

Slight typo on Richard Kar_n_. In this house, we respect the spelling of the name of the host of the Wahl Personal Grooming kit instructional VHS tape that came along with clippers which we may or may not have put on once in high school in a bizarre but successful gamble to convince our girlfriend at the time that

And, uh, just to be clear I think Dan Olsen pretty much hit the nail on the head with the real motivation.

Timer works great for us (as does cleanup robot) but a couple of these feel a little iffy. Like, telling your kid how you feel doesn’t feel bad per se, but it’s a super fine line to walk without making your kid feel like your feelings are their responsibility which, unless there’s pathological maliciousness going on,

Ha, I will now! Yeah my kid has been very no-fuckin-around interested in cars for about 3 years now. Like, would pre-verbally stop us in parking lots until we identified each car logo and between that (and several photo encyclopedias) has been able to identify most makes and models of American muscle cars or make